Study reveals that daytime eating may benefit mental health

Study reveals that daytime eating may benefit mental health

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Is your teenager struggling with depression? Know the signs, tips to deal

Is your teenager struggling with depression? Know the signs, tips to deal

It’s yours Teen Does he seem distant or moody today? While parents may feel that teen tantrums are the result of indiscipline, sometimes these behavioral issues can be due to poor mental health due to all the changes kids have to deal with during this time. From their changing bodies, to the pressure of studying, … Read more

4 subtle signs your mental health is on decline

4 subtle signs your mental health is on decline

There are times when things get too much stressfuloverwhelming and unmanageable and as his mental health starts to wane, you don’t really pay attention to the telltale signs, and it could all snowball into something serious, like a full-blown depression or anxiety attack. However, understanding your mental patterns is the key to optimal mental health. … Read more

After marrying very young, I realised I wasn’t straight. My mental health hit rock bottom. Here’s what saved my life…

After marrying very young, I realised I wasn’t straight. My mental health hit rock bottom. Here’s what saved my life…

By March 2020, my well-being had continued to deteriorate to the point where I thought ‘everyone else would be better off if I weren’t here anymore’. I felt that everything was on top of me and everything collapsed. I needed someone to help me. I was Googling emergency counseling services and the Samaritans kept coming … Read more

How is Relationship Anxiety, why the partner does not trust, how to stay positive in the meantime, Psychologist Aruba Kabir is telling. Health Mantra

How is Relationship Anxiety, why the partner does not trust, how to stay positive in the meantime, Psychologist Aruba Kabir is telling.  Health Mantra

Updated : 01 Sep 2022 08:39 PM (IST) Sometimes bad past life experiences start ruining your current relationship. Being afraid of your partner is normal, but sometimes it goes on for a very long time. Lack of trust, inferiority complex, fear of being left out, questions of compatibility, inability to understand feelings become a daily … Read more

‘You don’t have to understand it, just support it,’ Shaheen Bhatt to people who are dismissive of mental health

‘You don’t have to understand it, just support it,’ Shaheen Bhatt to people who are dismissive of mental health

Among the many celebrities who have spoken out about their struggles with mental health is Shaheen Bhatt, who hasn’t shied away from talking about experiencing bouts of anxiety and depression since she was a child. Now, she has spoken about how the experience gets worse when people, especially close friends and family, don’t understand the … Read more

As India reports a high in deaths by suicides, know how to prevent suicidal thoughts, and successfully manage mental health

As India reports a high in deaths by suicides, know how to prevent suicidal thoughts, and successfully manage mental health

According to NCRB records, the fastest rise in suicide deaths has been seen among students and small business owners, supporting accounts of stress and depression induced by the Covid-19 pandemic. New Delhi: These data highlight the toll the pandemic appears to have taken on the emotional, psychological, and mental well-being of people across the country. … Read more