Study Reveals How Osteoarthritis is Increasing Everyday And is Now a Global Health Concern

Study Reveals How Osteoarthritis is Increasing Everyday And is Now a Global Health Concern

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease of the joints that causes pain, disability and dysfunction. It has been one of the major public health concerns worldwide for the past few years. Osteoarthritis is more common in the elderly, but many adolescents, young people in their 20s and 30s, are experiencing this health condition.Also read – Studies … Read more

Understanding How Obesity Can Impact Your Bone and Joint Health

Understanding How Obesity Can Impact Your Bone and Joint Health

Obesity is a condition in which a person has high levels of body fat or an unhealthy distribution of body fat. Obesity not only challenges physical activity, but also increases the risk of numerous health complications. In addition, excess body fat puts stress on the body’s joints and multiple organs. It causes various changes in … Read more