मलाइका अरोड़ा की तरह चाहिए ग्लोइंग और फ्लॉलेस स्किन, तो रोजाना पिएं नोनी जूस, जानें फायदे

Noni Juice Health Benefits : 50 साल की मलाइका अरोड़ा को देखने के बाद कोई ये नहीं कह सकता कि उनकी उम्र इतनी है. मलाइका फिटनेस आइकॉन मानी जाती हैं. वह खुद को फिट (Malaika Aroras Fitness Tips) रखने के लिए हमेशा हेल्दी चीजों का ही सेवन करती हैं. हर कोई उन जैसी खूबसूरती और फिटनेस … Read more

Can fruits be eaten with curd? Know what Ayurveda says

Curd Eating Tips : Almost every Indian likes to eat curd. Not only desserts, dishes and drinks, curd is used in making many types of things. Consumption of curd is very beneficial (Curd Benefits). Eating curd in summer keeps the body cool. It benefits skin, hair and health in many ways. But while eating curd, … Read more

Do not make these mistakes during fasting, there may be damage, know what Ayurveda says

Health Tips: It is recommended to fast for one day in a week. By fasting your body is detoxified. But when you do not eat or drink anything during the fast, the energy of your body starts disappearing. Therefore, it is also advised that in fasting, one should also take full care of their health. … Read more

Liquorice is effective to remove throat infection, learn how to use

Benefits of Mulethi: The effect of the change of weather would be first visible to you due to Throat Infection. Due to which cold, cough, cold and sore throat become common problems. To avoid this, you must have taken many measures at home, but the effect of none will be seen, after which you are … Read more

Health Tips: Do not consume these things at night, according to Ayurveda, the body can be harmed

Health Tips: Do not consume these things at night, according to Ayurveda, the body can be harmed. Source link

Ayurveda Tips: Here’s Everything You Need to Know About The Benefits of Betel Leaf

Areca leaves belong to the Piperaceae family. It is a heart-shaped, deep green leaf. Arecanut leaves have been used in India for prayers and rituals since morning. Arecanuts, also known as leaves, are used not only for religious purposes but also as a refreshing meal. Ayurveda states the medicinal properties of the sacred areca nut.Also … Read more

Ayurveda Tips: 5 Ways to Manage Menstrual Pain And Cramps

Periods can be difficult for many women. They tend to experience nausea, bloating, cramps and pain. It is important to understand what suits your body and what does not. Experts also believe that it is important to understand and identify the root cause of problems and how to fix them.Also read – Ayurveda Tips: 5 … Read more

Ayurveda Tips: 5 Healthy Reasons Why You Should Add Cardamom to Your Diet Right Away

Cardamom is one of the most popular spices in Indian cuisine and dishes. Cardamom has a distinct taste and flavor and thus forms the mark of ‘own one’. Cardamom has numerous health benefits and can work wonders in your body. It also has healing properties.Also read – Ayurveda Tips: From Nuts to Sabudana Mash, 8 … Read more