Is baby’s skin getting dry? Know its cause and treatment

Child Care Tips: Young children of the house often have the problem of Dry Skin in Children. According to doctors, this often happens when you are dehydrated. The problem of dry skin in children is not considered as a serious disease. Many times dry skin gets cured only by trying grandmother’s remedies at home. Today … Read more

Clean the baby’s milk bottle in this way, diseases will remain away

Milk Bottle Cleaning: Apart from being fragile, the immunity of the baby is also not fully developed. In such a situation, elders have to be careful so that the baby can be protected from diseases and infections. In such a situation, it is very important to wash and sterilize the milk bottle of small children, … Read more

Baby keeps sleeping day and night after birth? Know how much baby’s sleep is according to age

Toddlers Sleep Time: After birth, babies sleep day and night. Sometimes children have to be woken up even to drink milk. The sleeping pattern of the baby changes slightly at the 3rd month of birth. In the beginning, sleep is very important for the physical and mental development of the baby. Initially the baby will … Read more

Keep these things in mind while preparing baby’s hygiene kit

Kids Hygiene Kit After the Kovid epidemic (Covid-19), children have started coming out of the house since some time ago. They are going to school, playing with friends, taking a walk in the park and indulging in other activities. But still parents should be careful about their care. Because the danger is not completely over … Read more