Cashew For Weight Loss: Should You Completely Avoid Eating Kaju? Experts Reveal

Home Health Cashew For Weight Loss: Should You Completely Avoid Eating Kaju? Experts reveal Cashews are a good source of magnesium, which is necessary to control how quickly you burn fat and carbohydrates. Cashew For Weight Loss: Should You Completely Avoid Eating Kaju? Experts reveal Cashew for weight loss? It takes commitment, perseverance, and a … Read more

Cashews: Why you must include ‘about ¼th cup of this nutrient rich nut’ in your diet

“Cashews have always gotten a bad rap,” says nutritionist Bhakti Kapoor in her Instagram video, adding that this extremely nutritious nut “deserves a little more street cred when it comes to your health.” Enjoyed as a snack, in sauces, and even as a dressing, cashews: “Rich in protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants like polyphenols, cashews … Read more