Do you eat roti and rice together? First know from the expert how right is it to do this?

To stay healthy, it is necessary to eat food rich in nutrients. Because due to lack of nutrients, different types of serious diseases can occur. Most of the people like to eat rice with roti for lunch. Many people believe that by eating rice with roti, the body gets rich nutrients. While some people do … Read more

Poha or Rice? What is more beneficial for health and why?

Poha vs Rice: Poha is the first choice of most people as a morning breakfast. Since many nutrients are present in it, it can fulfill the needs of every person. Whereas on the contrary, rice is not considered healthy in terms of health. Because it contains high amount of arsenic. According to a report published … Read more

Everyone knows about the disadvantages of eating rice, now you should also know its benefits.

Rice Health Benefits: Rice included in Indian cuisine is a major food. Some people believe that rice is a light food. While some people call it weight gainer. If seen, every food item has some advantages and some disadvantages. Same goes for rice too. Most people are aware of the disadvantages, but do you know … Read more

If you are fond of rice, then definitely have a look at these 7 names, see which is your favorite rice

Daily Diet Rice: Today’s generation likes to eat rice more than before (Rice lovers). There are two main reasons for this. The first is that rice cooking is easy, it is prepared in just 10 minutes and nowadays everyone is short of time. The second reason is our changed lifestyle. Now it is common to … Read more

Rice dal combo is the best, know about their nutrients

Chawal Dal benefits: Rice-Pulse is given a lot of attention in Indian food. In the afternoon lunch, there is always a combo of rice dal in every house. On the other hand, if you are in a hurry and do not have time to eat properly, then you only get all the nutrients if you … Read more