पेट भरा होने के बावजूद लगती है भूख तो हो जाइए सावधान ! कहीं आपको तो नहीं लग रहा ये गंभीर रोग

Binge Eating Disorder: पेट भरा होने के बावजूद अगर आपको भूख लग रही है तो सावधान हो जाइए. क्योंकि जरूरत से ज्यादा खाना खाना और हर समय सिर्फ खाते रहना गंभीर बीमारी का संकेत है. इसे बिंज ईटिंग डिसऑर्डर (Binge Eating Disorder) भी कहते हैं. ये साइकोलॉजिकल हैबिट है, जिसका इलाज समय पर करवाना बेहद जरूरी … Read more

Excessive hunger is not a normal condition, it could be binge eating disorder

Binge Eating Disorder : If you or someone you know is eating more food than you need or more than your appetite, or he is feeling hungry again and again, then he may be a victim of binge eating. It is a kind of disorder. Binge eating is a habit of overeating or a problem … Read more

Disordered eating – 5 signs that are normalised; breaking the habit for healthy eating

Disordered eating – 5 signs that normalize; breaking the habit for healthy eating Photo: iStock KEY POINTS Mental health problems that affect an individual’s eating behaviors are known as eating disorders. Since these problems are psychological, the diagnosis is often carried out until it is too late. Read on for some signs and symptoms of … Read more