Ladies, here are some tips to develop healthy bladder habits

At times, you may be faced with situations where it becomes imperative to control the bladder, until you reach a bathroom or any other place where you can relieve yourself. However, it should be noted that resisting the urge to urinate for a long time is not healthy. If you’re wondering what kind of damage … Read more

Carcinoma Urinary Bladder Treatment Cost – GoMedii

Urinary bladder cancer is a life-threatening disease, apart from this it gives rise to many other life-threatening diseases. If you have symptoms of frequent urination or pain while urinating, you should consult a doctor immediately, if you want to consult a doctor Click here , You can get your treatment done in the best hospital … Read more

Bladder bursts by stopping urination… what happens and what will happen if it bursts?

Urinary Tract Infection: Stomach problems sometimes become serious. Urine problem or urinary tract infection is also one of such problems. It is important to have urine on time. A normal person goes for urine 4 to 5 times in winter and 3 to 4 times in summer. Passing urine is a routine process. Going to … Read more

Exercise Helps Prevent Waking at Night to Urinate

We all know that moving our body benefits physical and mental health. But you may not know that exercise also strengthens your bladder, kidneys, and pelvic floor. This can help regulate bathroom habits, so you don’t get woken up in the middle of the night to urinate. According to good + goodAleece Fosnight, a board-certified … Read more

Best Hospitals to Know Why Urinary Bladder Surgery is Performed – GoMedii

Urinary bladder is called bladder sac in Hindi. It is the special organ of our body that stores all the liquid waste products accumulated in the body and removes them from the body through urine. All this liquid waste product i.e. urine is made by the kidneys and deposited through the urinary canal in the … Read more

Know what is bladder cancer surgery and when is it done – GoMedii

Bladder cancer begins in the cells inside the bladder in our body, although it is more common in men than in women. Bladder cancer is a fatal and serious disease. Which develops when the bladder or any other part of the body produces more cells than necessary. Bladder cancer also affects the primary function of … Read more

Why does bladder infection happen again and again, know the reason

Bladder Infection On Regular Basis: There is high pressure of urine, you go for urine and only few drops come, accompanied by severe pain or prickling and the color of urine is also cloudy. .. that means once again Bladder Infection has caught you! Bladder infection is a common problem in women. Although some women … Read more

Yoga for leakage: 5 exercises to strengthen pelvic floor, control bladder leaks

Do you experience a leak when you cough or jump? It is often a sign that your pelvic muscles They need toning and for the uninitiated, the pelvic floor muscles are the most underrated muscles that run from the pubic bone in the front to the tailbone in the back. They act as part of … Read more