Diabetes Control: Can You Get Diabetes Even if You Are Not Consuming Sugar? Here’s The Truth

Diabetes Control: Can You Get Diabetes Even if You Are Not Consuming Sugar? Here’s The Truth

Home Health Diabetes Control: Can You Get Diabetes Even if You Are Not Consuming Sugar? Here’s The Truth! People who don’t eat sugar at all can still get diabetes. Avoiding sugar completely doesn’t mean that you are safe from this chronic disease. More than 70 million people suffer from diabetes in India, making it the … Read more

बढ़े हुए शुगर को तुरंत कम करना है तो यूज कीजिए किचन में रखी ये चार चीजें

बढ़े हुए शुगर को तुरंत कम करना है तो यूज कीजिए किचन में रखी ये चार चीजें

Control Blood Sugar Levels : भारत में शुगर की बीमारी (मधुमेह) एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या हो गई है, और इसका प्रभाव लाखों लोगों को प्रभावित कर रहा है.  विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) के अनुसार, 2019 में भारत में लगभग 77 मिलियन लोग मधुमेह से पीड़ित थे, और यह संख्या दिन पर दिन बढ़ रही है. … Read more

औषधी से कम नहीं हैं इन 5 चीजों से बना मसाला, चुटकियों में कंट्रोल करता है ब्लड शुगर लेवल

औषधी से कम नहीं हैं इन 5 चीजों से बना मसाला, चुटकियों में कंट्रोल करता है ब्लड शुगर लेवल

Spices For Health : खराब होती लाइफस्टाइल और अनहेल्दी डाइट की वजह से डायबिटीज का खतरा लगातार बढ़ता जा रहा है. दवाईयों की मदद से ब्लड शुगर लेवल (Blood Sugar Level) को कंट्रोल रखा जाता है. डायबिटीज कंट्रोल करने में घरेलू नुस्खे भी मददगार होते हैं. आज हम खास मसालों से तैयार एक ऐसे पाउडर के … Read more

Climbing stairs will reduce sugar, there will be no risk of heart attack, know what other benefits you will get

Climbing stairs will reduce sugar, there will be no risk of heart attack, know what other benefits you will get

Benefits Of Climbing Stairs: Be it heart disease or diabetes, joint pain or cancer, most of the diseases are related to obesity somewhere. Obesity works to increase the risk of many diseases. However, you can easily get rid of it by making some important changes in your lifestyle and diet. Apart from this, physical activity … Read more

Having dinner at the wrong time can make you ill

Having dinner at the wrong time can make you ill

It has been revealed in many researches that by doing healthy diet and exercise, weight and minor diseases occurring in the body can be controlled. But if you have dinner at the wrong time, then many diseases make you a victim. Not only this, it can increase your sugar level. After the coronavirus pandemic, our … Read more

You don’t even know and blood sugar increases secretly, know about these habits today

You don’t even know and blood sugar increases secretly, know about these habits today

Blood Sugar: Taking stress can take a toll on your body. Many of us are unaware that stress has an impact on major body systems including blood sugar levels. The blood sugar level in the body can increase due to all kinds of stress. You can also see a pattern in the blood sugar level … Read more

Diabetes and How effective is Artificial pancreas

Diabetes And Artificial Pancreas Introduction Overview of Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. The pancreas, a gland located behind the stomach, produces a hormone called insulin, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. In diabetic personnel, the pancreas either produces less insulin than … Read more

Too much salt in food can make stone victim

Too much salt in food can make stone victim

Kidney Stone Symptoms: There is a need to keep the human body very well. In such a situation, if you follow an unhealthy lifestyle even a little, then some serious disease can catch you. One of these diseases is stone disease in the stomach. Pain and swelling starts in the joint due to stones. If … Read more