गांव की तुलना में शहरी महिलाओं को अधिक है Breast Cancer का खतरा, रिपोर्ट में हुआ खुलासा

गांव की तुलना में शहरी महिलाओं को अधिक है Breast Cancer का खतरा, रिपोर्ट में हुआ खुलासा

Breast Cancer: देश में महिलाओं में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर तेजी से बढ़ रहा है. यह महिलाओं को होने वाला सबसे आम कैंसर है. यह कैंसर तब होता है, जब महिलाएं स्तनपान कराती है. स्तनपान वाली महिलाओं के स्तन में मिल्क प्रोड्यूस करने वाले टिश्यू नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित होने लगते हैं. ICMR की एक रिपोर्ट में … Read more

Breast Cancer Treatment: How to Reduce Lymphedema Cases in Women? Expert Reveals

Breast Cancer Treatment: How to Reduce Lymphedema Cases in Women? Expert Reveals

Home Health Breast Cancer Treatment: How to Reduce Lymphedema Cases in Women? Expert Reveals If breast cancer cells enter the bloodstream and traverse to different areas of the body, they may spread to other organs. Since this is one of the most prevalent types of cancer in women, it’s critical to take preventative measures to … Read more

The risk of breast cancer is higher in obese women. Do this work to avoid

The risk of breast cancer is higher in obese women.  Do this work to avoid

Obesity Can Increase Breast Cancer Risk: Even though obesity is taken lightly, but it is such a disease, which can cause many serious diseases. Obesity can not only cause the risk of diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease, but can also become the cause of deadly diseases like cancer. Obesity has been linked to breast … Read more

A lump has formed in the breast but there is no pain…is it a symptom of cancer?

A lump has formed in the breast but there is no pain…is it a symptom of cancer?

Breast Cancer which is common in women. We read many things on Google regarding breast cancer. This happens in breast cancer, that happens. But the biggest question among all this is that can breast cancer be felt easily? For your information, let us tell you that breast cancer cannot be felt until the tumor becomes … Read more

Do you have breast cancer…? Find out immediately from these 6 symptoms

Do you have breast cancer…?  Find out immediately from these 6 symptoms

Breast Cancer Symptoms: Every disease has some or the other symptoms, which indicate that the disease has started to flourish in the body. However, we often ignore these symptoms considering them as minor everyday problems. Like other diseases, many symptoms of breast cancer are also visible in the body, ignoring which can prove to be … Read more

Can taking birth control pills cause breast cancer? Shocking revelation in the study

Can taking birth control pills cause breast cancer?  Shocking revelation in the study

Contraceptive Pills Disadvantages: To avoid unwanted pregnancy, many women take morning after pill, contraceptive pill, emergency pill. These pills prove to be very helpful in preventing unwanted pregnancy. These pills are used at a time when protection i.e. condom is not used while making physical relation. Most women do not know that taking birth control … Read more

Cancers that grow quickly inside women, it is important for you to know

Cancers that grow quickly inside women, it is important for you to know

Cancer Symptoms in Women: Cancer is a serious health problem that can happen to anyone. However, women are often at a higher risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, cervical and endometrial cancer. These cancers can have a very bad effect on a woman’s physical health as well as her life. Cancer affects millions … Read more

Women can be alert after 40 years of breast cancer, know how to protect yourself

Women can be alert after 40 years of breast cancer, know how to protect yourself

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The month of October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In this month, an attempt is made to spread awareness about breast cancer. Breast cancer statistics are increasing rapidly all over the world including India. The main reason for this is lack of information. Many times women do not even … Read more