Which one has the best milk, a cow or a buffalo? Know Expert’s Opinion

Which one has the best milk, a cow or a buffalo?  Know Expert’s Opinion

Cow Milk or Buffalo: Milk is a complete food for our body. That’s why most experts recommend consuming 1 glass of milk daily. During birth, babies are given mother’s milk, but after 6 months, they start giving cow’s or buffalo’s milk. Many people find it difficult to choose the milk of these two varieties. Because … Read more

Is cow’s milk more beneficial or buffalo’s? understand that the benefit is yours

Is cow’s milk more beneficial or buffalo’s?  understand that the benefit is yours

Best Milk For Health: Milk is rich in nutrients. Milk is the first food of the child. For the development of the child, doctors recommend feeding milk. Milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D. Bones become strong by drinking milk. Many such properties are found in milk, due to which it is … Read more