ये संकेत बताते हैं कि कैंसर की शुरुआत हो चुकी है, न करें नजरअंदाज

ये संकेत बताते हैं कि कैंसर की शुरुआत हो चुकी है, न करें नजरअंदाज Source link

National Cancer Awareness Day: 5 Warning Signs of Growing Tumour in People Over 50

Home Health National Cancer Awareness Day: 5 Warning Signs of Growing Tumour in People Over 50 Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases that claims million of lives every year. Here are some early warning signs that people should be aware about for early detection and prevention thereafter. National Cancer Awareness Day: 5 Warning … Read more

Rose Day For Cancer Awareness: 6 Major Tell-Tale Sings of Tumor Growth in Children

Home Health Rose Day For Cancer Awareness: 6 Major Tell-Tale Sings of Tumour Growth in Children Every year September 22 is celebrated as Rose Day. It is a day dedicated to all the brave heart battling a long battle with cancer. Rose Day For Cancer Awareness: 6 Major Tell-Tale Sings of Tumor Growth in Children … Read more

If there is frequent loss of blood, then understand that blood cancer is moving towards you, these are the symptoms

Welfare of Cancer Patients Day: The name cancer itself scares me. But its formation in the body is like a hidden rust. According to Cancer Specialists, people who get tested regularly. Only they get to know about cancer. The rest is detected at the third or fourth stage of cancer. Blood cancer is also one … Read more

Experts weigh in on the importance of mental health care in cancer treatment

World Cancer The Day, which was recently observed on February 4, attempted to raise awareness of how to save lives. One of the most important aspects of providing care to a patient undergoing cancer treatment, or even someone who has just been diagnosed, is your mental health. Dr. Brinda Sitaram, group director of psycho-oncology service … Read more