सुबह-सुबह ज्यादा क्यों आते हैं हार्ट अटैक? क्या है इसके पीछे का कारण

<p style="text-align: justify;">एक रिसर्च में यह बात साबित हो चुकी है कि सुबह 6 बजे से लेकर दोपहर के बीच आने वाले हार्ट अटैक सबसे ज्यादा खतरनाक होते हैं. रिसर्च में यह बात साबित हो चुकी है कि सुबह के समय सबसे ज्यादा हार्ट अटैक आते हैं. स्पेन में हाल ही में एक रिसर्च किया … Read more

This is how the body sends signals before heart failure, but often people ignore it

‘Heart failure’ is a serious medical condition… Any person goes through it when his heart does not work properly. If understood in medical language, if the heart is not able to pump blood according to the needs of the body, then heart failure starts. If understood in simple language, it clearly means that the heart … Read more

What is Heart Arrhythmia? 6 Warnings Signs of Having Irregular Heart Beat

Home Health What is cardiac arrhythmia? 6 Warning Signs of an Irregular Heartbeat When there is a disturbance between the signal-receiving heart and brain, the heartbeat tends to miss the rhythm and can sometimes be life-threatening as well. Heart Arrhythmia: 6 Warning Signs & Way to Reduce Risk of Irregular Heartbeat (Freepik) Our heart has … Read more

Do you also take salt from above in food, you will not even know and the disease will start

Not only sugar or salt, but eating anything in excess, many types of problems start in the body. By the way, today we will talk about the harm caused by eating more salt in food. Some people have a habit that no matter how tasty food you give them, they will eat it after taking … Read more

AI tools found five forms of heart failure – ET HealthWorld

Washington: A new study by UCL researchers has discovered five types of heart failure which could possibly be used to predict future risk for individual patients. Heart failure is a general term for when the heart cannot pump blood throughout the body properly. Current ways of classifying heart failure do not accurately predict how the … Read more

Heart will be healthy, diseases will be ‘Choomantar’, just make these 5 changes in lifestyle

The World Health Organization has claimed that most deaths occur worldwide due to cardiovascular diseases. Every year 1.7 crore people die due to heart related diseases worldwide. Four out of five people die due to heart attack and stroke. One-third of those who die die before the age of 70. But do you know that … Read more

Exercise to make ‘vaccine’ for cancer and heart patients! Millions of lives can be saved

Can cancer and heart disease also be treated with a vaccine? Actually this claim has been made by American experts. He says that many diseases including cancer can be treated with the help of vaccine. This will not only help in saving millions of lives, but will also increase the chances of improving their health. … Read more

Climbing stairs will reduce sugar, there will be no risk of heart attack, know what other benefits you will get

Benefits Of Climbing Stairs: Be it heart disease or diabetes, joint pain or cancer, most of the diseases are related to obesity somewhere. Obesity works to increase the risk of many diseases. However, you can easily get rid of it by making some important changes in your lifestyle and diet. Apart from this, physical activity … Read more