Cases of death due to heart attack increased in the year 2022, be careful with these heart hazards in the new year

Heart Attack: December is underway. After a few days, we will enter the new year in January 2023. In terms of health, Kovid has not been so effective this year. The knock of many new viruses definitely forced people to fear. That’s where the biggest danger emerged. He had cardiac arrest and heart attack. Many … Read more

Seasonal Affective Disorder cases increase in winter, these are the symptoms

Depression Cases Increase In Winter: Diwali After the pink winter season will begin. As the weather cools, so will the cases of depression. You will be surprised to know but it is true that the cases of suicide increase in large numbers during the winter season. The reason for this is depression. We are talking … Read more

Earlier heart attack used to come to old people, now cases are increasing in youth, why?

Heart Attack In Youngsters: Nowadays, the cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly among the youth. Earlier, only older people used to get heart attacks more. The risk of heart diseases used to start after the age of 45 to 50 years, but if we look at the data of the last 10 years, the … Read more

Immune system weakened due to discontinuation of this vaccine! Monkey pox cases increased

Due to the discontinuation of the chicken pox vaccine, the immune system weakened and people have come under the grip of monkey pox disease rapidly. Researchers of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital have made this claim in an article published in the Institute of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology, the current edition of the Indian Journal of … Read more

Cases of hand foot and mouth ie HFMD increased in children in Noida, these are the symptoms

HFMD In Schools: Hand, foot and mouth disease is spreading rapidly among children in Delhi NCR for the last few days. Many cases related to HFMD are also being reported in many schools in Noida and Greater Noida, due to which precaution is being taken in many play schools in Gautam Budh Nagar. Classes have … Read more

Monkeypox cases are increasing all over the world including India, know 15 must-know things about this disease

What Is Monkeypox Spread: The cases of monkeypox virus are increasing worldwide. This is a mild chicken pox-like disease. This virus was first found in monkeys during a research in 1958. That’s why it was named Monkeypox. Although it is not yet known from where this virus came in monkeys, but from monkeys this virus … Read more

Increasing cases of corona and viral fever, take care of your child like this

Protect Your Child From Covid And Viral Fever: Monsoon is called the season of diseases. Viral fever, mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and chikunya spread rapidly during this season. At the same time, the threat of corona virus has not reduced yet. Your slight carelessness can make the situation serious. Children need to be taken care … Read more

Know why the cases of heart attack are increasing, are you also in danger?

Triggers Of Heartattack: Heart attack is one of the most dangerous diseases. On hearing the name of heart attack, the heartbeat automatically increases. In most cases of heart attack, life is lost. Nowadays the cases of heart attack and cardiac arrest are increasing very fast. Especially young people are becoming more prone to heart attacks. … Read more