The risk of diabetes increases not only because of eating sweets, but also because of this habit.

Diabetes is becoming a common disease today. Most people think sugar is to blame. It is also true that eating too much sugar causes diabetes, but in a new study, scientists have found that using plastic bottles also poses a risk of diabetes. There are dangerous chemicals there that can cause dangerous illnesses. This study, … Read more

If diabetic patients give up sugar completely, will their blood sugar levels stay under control?

The number of diabetic patients in the country is increasing day by day. The main cause of diabetes is poor diet and lifestyle. But diabetes is often linked to the consumption of sugar and sweets. Today we will talk in detail about the facts related to this. The number of diabetic patients is increasing day … Read more

Diabetes: Foods and herbs that help control blood sugar level

Image Source : FREEPIK Foods and herds to control diabetes Diabetes is one of the major threats that people are facing today across the globe. According to the International Diabetes Federation, approximately 537 million adults, aged between 20 and 79, are affected by this lifestyle disease. While diabetes can be controlled with medication or insulin, … Read more

Do not compromise with food in pre-diabetes, include fruits and vegetables in eating

Prediabetes Diet Plan: If you are also showing symptoms of pre-diabetes, then it can be avoided by making changes in lifestyle and food. This problem occurs in case of fasting blood sugar or after eating something, the blood sugar level reaches more than the normal level. In most cases, this problem occurs due to insulin … Read more

Amla is useful for diabetic patients, just avoid eating it at this time

Amla Benefits in Diabetes: The immunity of people suffering from diabetes is very weak. That’s why it is necessary for the people suffering from this disease to pay more attention towards their health. If we talk about government figures, then about 60 million people in the country are suffering from the problem of diabetes. That’s … Read more