These five healthy-looking foods can alter the condition of your heart; if consumed excessively, they can be harmful.

Heart patients are advised to follow a healthy diet, but some healthy foods can have an adverse effect on our heart health. If consumed for a long time, it can increase the risk of blockage, heart failure and heart attack. Ghee: Ghee contains good fats which, if consumed in regular quantity, are beneficial for our … Read more

फ्रिज में रखने पर भी जल्दी खराब हो जाता है चिकन? जान लें इसे स्टोर करने का सही तरीका

चिकन पका हो या कच्चा, इसकी फ्रेशनेस को लंबे समय तक बनाए रखना एक बहुत बड़ा चैलेंज होता है. क्योंकि इनके जल्दी खराब होने का खतरा हमेशा बना रहता है. आपने कभी फ्रिज खोला होगा तो उसमें तेज बदबू महसूस हुई होगी. यह बदबू इस बात का संकेत है कि फ्रिज में रखा गया मांस … Read more

Danger bells for those who eat chicken… eating it is causing the world’s 10th biggest disease

Antimicrobial Resistance : Be careful if you eat chicken with gusto… WHO has warned that it is the cause of the world’s 10th biggest disease. The World Health Organization has described AMR as one of the 10 biggest health threats. It is said that due to eating chicken, people are increasingly becoming victims of antimicrobial … Read more

Mixing curd in chicken and keeping it in fridge is right or not? May it not become poison

Chicken is made or stored in the fridge in different ways all over the world. Some people marinate chicken by adding lemon and salt, while some people store it by mixing curd and  lemon. Chicken contains protein and many types of nutrients. If you store it properly, you can use it for many days. It … Read more

Which is better for you, chicken or paneer? This is the best option for body building

Healthy Diet Tips: Gym goers are mostly in search of healthy protein, so they mostly have two options. Chicken and Cheese. But have you ever thought which of these two is better for you? Paneer improves hemoglobin and can also help in strengthening immunity against diseases like bronchitis, asthma, cough and cold. It is also … Read more

Chicken soup will be more effective than medicine in these diseases

Health Tips: Chicken soup has its own advantages, all the essential vitamins and minerals are found in it. This not only gives warmth to the body but also boosts your immunity. Apart from this, the iron present in chicken helps in carrying oxygen to the cells of the body. Chicken also has high tryptophan. If … Read more

Microwave Cooking Tips: Know What You Shouldn’t Reheat in the Microwave

Microwave Cooking Tips: What You Shouldn’t Reheat in the Microwave? , Source link