खाना बनाने के लिए नारियल तेल हेल्दी है या नहीं? जानें इसके साइडइफेक्ट्स

खाना बनाने के लिए नारियल तेल हेल्दी है या नहीं? जानें इसके साइडइफेक्ट्स

<p>कुछ सालों से नारियल तेल ने हेल्थ के हिसाब से काफी ज्यादा लोकप्रियता हासिल की है. कई रिसर्च में यह बात सामने आई है कि इसमें भरपूर मात्रा में हेल्दी फैट और अन्य पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हैं. फिर भी, यह सवाल अक्सर उठता है कि नारियल का तेल उतना स्वास्थ्यप्रद है या नहीं, जैसा … Read more

If you start itching after getting wet in the rain, then immediately adopt this remedy…the problem will go away.

If you start itching after getting wet in the rain, then immediately adopt this remedy…the problem will go away.

Tips To Get Rid Of Itching: After summer, when rain drops fall, everyone likes to get wet in it. Some people enjoy this moment very much. However, when rain drops fall on the sweat, it causes itching and rashes. Due to this, there is a danger of spreading the infection. Many times even applying lotion … Read more

Dear ladies… Pamper frizzy hair with these home remedies, it will become silky and soft

Dear ladies… Pamper frizzy hair with these home remedies, it will become silky and soft

Frizzy Hair Care Tips: With the changing season, there are many problems in the hair too. In the summer season, hair becomes frizzy due to sun and sweat. And in such a situation, the entanglement and breakage of hair also increases a lot, it looks very bad in appearance, in such a situation, we are … Read more

Is Palm Oil Bad For You? What To Know About Its Nutrition

Is Palm Oil Bad For You? What To Know About Its Nutrition

Now the not so good news. Palm oil is especially rich in palmitic acid, a saturated fatty acid that has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease7 in some studies. However, results have been mixed and controversial on the oil. health impact8 and heart health specifically9. A review published in Frontiers in physiology10 … Read more

Which oil is the healthiest for cooking, which will make health? choose like this

Which oil is the healthiest for cooking, which will make health?  choose like this

How To Select Best Cooking Oil: Homemade food is made in which oil or which oil is best for cooking, this is a big question. Since the health of the members of the household depends on cooking oil, so the choice of cooking oil should be done carefully. In this case, the rough rule works … Read more

Hair Care: Mix this oil with alum to eliminate dandruff, the skin will also become shiny

Hair Care: Mix this oil with alum to eliminate dandruff, the skin will also become shiny

Alum And Coconut Oil: If till now you have cleaned the water only with alum or have seen men using alum after shaving, then let us tell you that apart from this, alum is also used. Yes, if you rely on home remedies for skin care, then alum is very useful for you. Applying alum … Read more

Weight will be reduced by eating egg, consume it in these three ways

Weight will be reduced by eating egg, consume it in these three ways

Weight Loss With Egg: Many people these days are troubled by obesity. Increasing body fat is a curse for us, because due to this there is a possibility of many diseases. Especially due to obesity, there is a possibility of diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure. In such a situation, it is very important to … Read more