क्या आपको भी लगती है ज्यादा ठंड, तो हो सकती है कोल्ड इनटॉलरेंस की समस्या, जानें इस बीमारी के बारे में

Cold Intolerance: सर्दी के मौसम में कई तरह की बीमारियों का खतरा बढ़ जाता है, ना सिर्फ इंफेक्शन बल्कि कई ऐसी बीमारियां होती है जिनका नाम तक शायद आपने नहीं सुना होगा. उन्हीं में से एक है कोल्ड इनटॉलरेंस. जी हां यह एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें शरीर ठंडा पड़ जाता है और आपको बहुत … Read more

If you feel tired after Holi or have a cold, then you may be at risk of flu.

Flu Influenza Symptoms: Holi full of colors has passed and you must have played a lot of colors on it and got soaked in a lot of water. But it is fun to play, but due to getting wet in excess water, people often come under the grip of fever, cold and cough. If this … Read more

Dry Cough: Dry cough has become bad, trying these home remedies will give instant relief

Dry Cough Symptoms: Recently there are many people who are reporting cases of viral infection, in which cough is the main problem with high fever which subsides in more than a week. However the cough is something that is not going away and is turning into a chronic cough which goes away after 4-6 weeks. … Read more

Heart attack, cough… Why are the diseases increasing suddenly?

People were slowly recovering from the panic of coronavirus that many cases of heart attack, cardiac arrest, heart stroke, cough, fever have been reported in the country for some time. From the common people to the syllabus, the condition is the same. The most shocking thing has come to the fore that people who keep … Read more

If something like this is happening with you, then understand that your immunity is also weak! these are the 5 symptoms

Weak Immunity Sign: To live a healthy life, it is very important to have strong immunity. Because this immunity power only protects you from diseases. Often you must have seen that people whose immunity is weak, they always keep falling ill. On the other hand, whenever our immunity is low, then the body starts giving … Read more

There can be a risk of adenovirus even just by shaking hands… know its symptoms and ways to avoid it

Adenovirus Spike: The fear of Corona has not completely ended yet that a new virus has entered the country. Adenovirus cases are increasing rapidly in West Bengal. This virus is harming children. Innocent deaths have also been reported due to the virus. At least 30 per cent of the samples sent to ICMR-NICED have tested … Read more

No medicine for runny nose, these home remedies will give relief

Home Remedies For Running Nose: As much as viral infection bothers in winter, the same problem also causes runny nose. This problem is especially common in children. The temperature has not decreased even a bit that his nose starts running. Along with it cold and cough also grips. Apart from children, runny nose also bothers … Read more

Flu Cases on the Rise Among Kids in Tamil Nadu

In several districts of Tamil Nadu, doctors are reporting a 25% increase in the number of flu-related fever, cold and cough in recent weeks, mainly affecting school-going children. While speaking to IANS, Dr. Manonmani. G, a professor of pediatrics at a government medical college in Tamil Nadu, said: “With the relaxed COVID protocols, people are … Read more