Part-2: Children’s intelligence machine will decide, eye and hair color will also be according to you

There are some such things, which people all over the world accept as ‘God’s will’ or ‘nature’s gift’. Man himself also believes that one should not play with some things, but where does this happen. Now, if a company says that it is not necessary to keep the child in the womb for 9 months, … Read more

white or brown? Know which color egg is more beneficial for health

Brown or white egg: Since childhood, this thing has become home in our mind that whether it is Sunday or Monday, eat eggs everyday. Be it children, elders or elders, everyone likes to eat eggs in breakfast. Especially if the weather is winter, then their importance increases further. In winter, eggs not only provide warmth … Read more

Human Eyes Color: Because of this people have different colors of eyes

Eye Colour: It is human nature that whenever we meet someone for the first time, the first thing that happens is eye contact. When there is eye contact, the first glance goes to the color of the eyes. Normally, everyone’s eyes are either black or brown, but we also meet some people whose eye color … Read more

The color of the tongue tells that disease is growing in the body, if you pay a little attention, you will be saved from untoward

Health Tips: Tongue is an important part of our body. We can detect the taste of food only because of the tongue. Apart from all this, you will be surprised to know that our health is also revealed by the color of the tongue. If the color of your tongue is changing then without wasting … Read more

If the color of the skin starts fading, then it is a matter to be afraid, immediately consult a doctor.

Vitiligo Leukoderma Symptoms: There are many things to hear about white spots (vitiligo leucoderma). Many questions must have arisen in your mind too, after all, how does this white stain happen?, this disease would not have happened suddenly. What are its initial symptoms? What is its effect on the body after white spots? What should … Read more

Eyes tell the condition of your body, know how changing color gives a sign of disease

Health News: Eyes work not only to see but also to show the position of the body. The eyes are also called the mirror of the body. Actually, by looking at the condition of the eyes, the diseases of the body can also be detected. Actually, the color of the eyes tells what disease you … Read more

Do you know aloe vera is also red in color, it is more beneficial

Red Aloe Vera Benefits in Hindi: You will easily find aloe vera in most of everyone’s homes. You must have seen green colored aloe vera, but do you know that there is also red colored aloe vera. Yes, red colored aloe vera plant is very beneficial for health. In some cases, it proves to be … Read more

Diseases can be identified by the color of urine, know which color of urine is most dangerous

Urine Color: Our body is a machine, which starts giving you an idea of ​​every small disturbance that happens in time. Whether it is a disease or some kind of problem. However, many of us do not understand the signals given by the body. These signs include the color of urine. By the color of … Read more