ब्लड के नेचुरल तरीके से साफ करता है करेला, जानें कड़वाहट दूर करने के उपाय

Karela Bitterness Remove Tips : करेला हमारे सेहत के लिए बहुत अच्छा माना जाता है. इसे नेचुरल ब्लड प्यूरीफायर भी माना जाता है. आयुर्वेद में भी करेले के कई फायदे (Karela Benefits) गिनाए गए हैं. हालांकि, इसका स्वाद कड़वा होने के चलते बहुत से लोग इसे खाने से बचते हैं. कई लोग इसकी कड़वाहट के चलते … Read more

Food is not cooking properly in cooker? Catch the error immediately with these tricks

Pressure Cooker: Pressure cooker is a very important part of the kitchen. A pressure cooker is used to cook anything quickly. At the same time, pressure cooker is also used to melt the lentils well. Also, it saves a lot on your gas bill as well. But many times the pressure is not able to … Read more

Is there non-veg in silver work, know what is the truth

Silver Foil On Sweets: You must have seen a lot of sweets with silver work in the market. From cashew katli to other sweets, it is used to make it beautiful. These sweets look beautiful by applying silver foil. People eat it only with sweets. However, some people say that one should avoid eating silver-worked … Read more

If you are on dieting then eat sprouts like this, it will be easy to lose weight

Sprouts Making At Home: To lose weight, you should take great care of diet. Eating and drinking can reduce weight to a great extent. Include such healthy things in your diet, which will help in weight loss and you also get plenty of tests. Sprouts of gram and moong dal are very healthy options for … Read more