कोरोना से कितना अलग है निपाह वायरस, जिसके केस भारत में स्पीड से बढ़ रहे हैं

कोरोना से कितना अलग है निपाह वायरस, जिसके केस भारत में स्पीड से बढ़ रहे हैं

  Nipah Virus Different From Corona Virus: दुनिया में कोरोना (corona virus)का कहर अभी पूरी तरह खत्म नहीं हुआ है और दूसरी तरफ जानलेवा निपाह वायरस (nipah virus) ने सनसनी फैला दी है. भारत में इस वायरस ने दस्तक दे दी है और केरल में इसके मरीज तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं. ये जानवरों और पंछियों … Read more

तो क्या मोबाइल फोन से फैला था ज्यादातर कोरोना वायरस? जानें क्या कहती है लेटेस्ट रिपोर्ट

तो क्या मोबाइल फोन से फैला था ज्यादातर कोरोना वायरस? जानें क्या कहती है लेटेस्ट रिपोर्ट

Corona virus Report : कोरोना को लेकर एक चौंकाने वाली रिपोर्ट सामने आई है. इस रिपोर्ट में बताया गया है कि जब देश-दुनिया में कोरोना महामारी चल रही थी, तब 45 प्रतिशत तक कोविड 19 (Corona Virus) का वायरस मोबाइल फोन की वजह से फैला था. मतलब लोग मोबाइल की साफ-सफाई का ख्याल रखने में चूक … Read more

After Kovid, the risk of heart attack in youth increased, ICMR released 3 different research to know the reason

After Kovid, the risk of heart attack in youth increased, ICMR released 3 different research to know the reason

Covid-19: Heart disease used to happen to the elderly earlier and its number was also limited, but since Corona, a sudden increase in heart attack cases has been observed. The number of youth among those who died is more. However, what is the reason behind why this is happening. Sufficient evidence is not yet available … Read more

Kovid-19 increased the risk of diabetes in children and adolescents, revealed in the study

Kovid-19 increased the risk of diabetes in children and adolescents, revealed in the study

Kovid-19 increased the risk of diabetes in children and adolescents, revealed in the study Source link

Corona’s new variant XBB.1.16.1 is extremely fatal for children and the elderly, know the methods of rescue

Corona’s new variant XBB.1.16.1 is extremely fatal for children and the elderly, know the methods of rescue

Kid’s Health: The new variant of Corona XBB.1.16.1 has spread in 9 states of India, more than 116 patients have come to the fore. Not only in adults, this variant XBB.1.16.1 is also being found in children. In which redness of the eyes is being told as a new symptom. So let us tell you … Read more

What are the symptoms of XBB.1.16 variant… due to which Corona again caught pace

What are the symptoms of XBB.1.16 variant… due to which Corona again caught pace

XBB.1.16 Variant: once again in india Corona virus is gaining momentum. In many states including Kerala, Delhi, Maharashtra, the cases of Kovid-19 infection are increasing rapidly. Now the question arises that why the cases of corona are increasing so fast. In fact, the biggest reason for the increase in cases is being attributed to a … Read more

Higher risk of death in brain stroke patients exposed to Kovid-19: Study

Higher risk of death in brain stroke patients exposed to Kovid-19: Study

Brain Stroke: A recent study by a team of doctors from Hyderabad revealed that one out of four brain stroke patients who tested positive for coronavirus died in the hospital. According to researchers, acute ischemic stroke (due to lack of blood supply to a part of the brain) was seen in 85.5 percent of Kovid-19 … Read more

Heart patients be alert… Corona can be dangerous

Heart patients be alert… Corona can be dangerous

Corona causes Heart Attack: Once again the fear of Corona has started troubling the country. The figure is increasing every day. More than 4000 cases are being reported daily in the country. The good thing is that in the year 2021 it is not as dangerous as the havoc of Corona. The reason behind this … Read more