15 दिन से आ रही है खांसी तो ना करें नजरअंदाज, तुरंत जाकर करवाएं Covid टेस्ट, बढ़ रहे हैं केस

Health Tips: अगर 15 दिन से ज्यादा समय से खांसी और जुकाम ने परेशान कर रखा हो तो सावधान हो जाएं, क्योंकि ये कोरोना वायरस का इंफेक्शन भी हो सकता है. दरअसल, एक बार फिर कोरोना के केस तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं. दिल्ली में ही बुधवार को कोविड के 63 केस मिले हैं, जो पिछले … Read more

If you feel tired after Holi or have a cold, then you may be at risk of flu.

Flu Influenza Symptoms: Holi full of colors has passed and you must have played a lot of colors on it and got soaked in a lot of water. But it is fun to play, but due to getting wet in excess water, people often come under the grip of fever, cold and cough. If this … Read more

Weather is changing fast so keep these things in mind

Health And Fitness: The weather is changing a lot these days. It is very cold in the morning. So there is strong sunlight in the afternoon. Due to which the heat increases. It gets colder in the evening. Because of which warm clothes, quilts and blankets have to be worn. Due to this sudden change … Read more

Must drink this soup in winter, there will be no cold and cold

Winter Soup: If there is a strange sore throat and runny nose, and in such a situation, if you get a bowl of hot soup, then it is not less than a heaven. Everyone should consume soup in the winter season. Soup works to increase immunity and keep the body warm. Soup is very easy … Read more

Panacea treatment for cold, cough and cold, know the right use of these three things

Monsoon Health Tips: The risk of seasonal diseases has increased during the monsoon season. Colds and colds have troubled the people. With the change in weather, diseases also increase. In such a situation, there is a need to be careful. Because even a small negligence of yours can make you vulnerable to infection. This can … Read more