Due to these wrong habits of daily, we invite joint pain, leave it from today itself.

Health Tips:Joint pain is troubling every young man these days, although earlier it was seen in old people. Because the body often becomes weak in old age, it is inevitable to have joint pain, but these days joint pain is at its peak even in youth. The reason for this is some wrong habits. In … Read more

If you want to avoid heart attack, then do this work daily, your heart will be very happy

Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack: The number of people dying of heart attack is increasing day by day all over the world. Not only the elderly, but young children are also becoming victims of heart attack. According to WHO, there are 1.28 billion people in the whole world whose BP is increased. Only 46 percent … Read more

Does drinking hot water on a daily basis really make the skin glow?

It is the era of social media. Anything on this easily goes viral. Now recently a post is going viral in which it is being claimed that hot water is very beneficial for skin problems, it brightens the face. It has also been claimed that if you consume it for a few days, your skin … Read more

Stomach cancer occurs due to these 5 reasons, if they are included in your daily life, then leave them immediately.

Cancer Treatment: Cancer is the name of uncontrolled cell growth. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell growth. However, the reason for the lump is also uncontrolled sales growth. The worst reason for cancer is that it is not known in the primary stage and when the information is there, it is too late. Today we … Read more

Do these three exercises daily in winter

Yogasana In Winter: There is a need to take special care of the body in winter (Winter Special Tips). But due to the cold, there is lethargy in the body all the time and the mind wants to remain locked in the house. It is not entirely possible that you stay locked in your bed … Read more

Madhuri Dixit’s husband takes this energy drink, daily nutrients are needed

Energy Boost Drink: Good food and diet is very important for a good lifestyle. Now talking about diet, then diet only means eating food rich in nutrients. Many nutrients are needed to keep the body healthy. For this, you can take many types of foods and drinks. Recently, Dr. Shriram Nene, cardiothoracic surgeon and husband … Read more

Benefits Of Cherry: By consuming cherries daily, you will get unmatched benefits for health.

Health Benefits Of Cherry: Nature has given us so many gifts in the form of fruits, by consuming which we can keep ourselves fit and healthy, cherry is one of them. Loved around the world for its great taste, cherries are rich in vitamin C and a variety of antioxidants. Along with this, many types … Read more

Feed these things to children daily for a sharp mind

If food and lifestyle is good then the body remains healthy. The biggest reason behind a healthy body is a healthy mind. If a person’s mind is healthy then the whole body works well. The right food helps in concentration, memory and better functioning of the brain. Just as our body absorbs the food we … Read more