Why having a routine is good for your mental health

Routine is something most of us grow up with, following schedules made by others at school and at home, even things as simple as eating, sleeping, playing, etc. With adulthood, of course, this often changes, and many of us end up working and living in chaos, uncertainty, and endless procrastination. A routine may not be … Read more

World Mental Health Day 2022: 7 daily rituals that can refresh and rejuvenate you every single day

World Mental Health Day 2022: Do you often wake up feeling bored and exhausted and endless cups of tea and coffee only make your mood worse? You’re not alone. Daily stress builds up over a period of time and excessive screen time combined with a lack of quality sleep could literally wreak havoc on our … Read more

Waking up in the morning will not touch any disease by doing this work, will always be healthy

Daily Routine: Taking care of health is very important in today’s runaway lifestyle. We believe that it is becoming very difficult in today’s life to take time out and give time to yourself, but you have to do it. If you do not do this, then the chances of getting many diseases in the body … Read more

5 TOP exercises for people who sit all day long | The Times of India

Downward Facing Dog is an excellent yoga asana for reducing neck strain and back pain, common side effects of sitting all day. Step 1: Come to your four, so that your body forms a table-like structure. Your shoulders below your wrists and your hips above your knees. Step 2: Inhale and lift your hips up … Read more