Why did Atishi arrive at the hospital? How did the situation worsen? , Minister of Water Health Live

Amid water problems in the capital Delhi, Water Minister Atishi had been on hunger strike since June 21, but her health deteriorated overnight and she had to be admitted to hospital. Today, after his health deteriorated, he ended his hunger strike. While speaking to the media on Wednesday, Atishi claimed that Delhi received 613 MGD … Read more

How does a person die from a heatwave? Know what happens to the body during a heatwave?

Deaths are being reported every day due to the extreme heat and heatwave across the country. So far, 43 people have lost their lives due to the scorching heat affecting the entire country. 32 people died in Bihar due to this heat. Extreme heat has a dangerous effect on our brains. It becomes very difficult … Read more

Do These 5 Easy Home Remedies Provide Fast Relief From Dehydration? -GoMedia

During the summer, you all must have felt very thirsty, but even after drinking water, this thirst is not quenched. In fact, this happens because of a lack of water in the body (dehydration). Dehydration is a common illness in summer. Water is present in about a third of our body. During the summer season, … Read more

As soon as there is less water in the body, such signs begin to appear, be vigilant when they appear.

Signs of dehydration :It’s extremely hot. The temperature in many places exceeds 45 degrees. Due to the heat, there is a lack of water in the body, which can be dangerous. This could cause heat stroke. Experts say that lack of water in the body can be easily detected through urine. A change in urine … Read more

AC Side Effects: Dry Eyes to Lethargy, 5 Reasons You Should not Sit With Air Conditioner On For Long Hours

Home Health Side Effects of Air Conditioning: Dry Eyes and Lethargy, 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Sit with the Air Conditioner on for Long Hours Do you keep the air conditioning on for longer periods? It can have a negative impact on your health. Side Effects of Air Conditioning: Dry Eyes and Lethargy, 5 Reasons … Read more

Drinking too much water is also dangerous, it can cost you your life, be careful

In summer, we are very thirsty because of sweating. People continue to drink water constantly to avoid dehydration. Health experts also recommend drinking water, but people often drink too much water to quench their thirst, which can be dangerous (side effects of excess water). This habit can even lead to death. This can cause water … Read more

पानी कम पीने से बज सकती है शरीर की बैंड, गंभीर बीमारियां कर सकती हैं परेशान

Dehydration: पानी की कमी से शरीर की बैंड बज सकती है. इससे शरीर कई गंभीर बीमारियों की चपेट में आ सकता है. वह सही तरह काम नहीं कर पाता है और कई फिजिकल बदलाव भी आ सकते हैं. दरअसल, शरीर को पानी की उचित मात्रा ना मिलने पर सबसे पहले डिहाइड्रेशन (Dehydration) की समस्या होती है. … Read more