If you are not getting enough milk for your baby, do it, the problem will disappear in a jiffy.

If you are not getting enough milk for your baby, do it, the problem will disappear in a jiffy.

Not all mothers need to have milk after giving birth. Many hormonal changes occur in women’s bodies during pregnancy and after childbirth. This has a direct impact on breastfeeding. Many women complain of not producing enough milk. As much as it should be. Today we will talk in detail about the errors made after delivery, … Read more

Does the doctor order a cesarean section right before delivery? Must ask these important questions

Does the doctor order a cesarean section right before delivery? Must ask these important questions

Caesarean section : There is no natural process in cesarean delivery. In this, the doctor makes an incision in the lower abdomen and uterus of the pregnant woman and takes out the baby. Previously, this decision was made in an emergency, but today it has become normal. This is also called cesarean delivery. Since during … Read more

One woman, two uteruses… children in both cases, know how rare this disease is

One woman, two uteruses… children in both cases, know how rare this disease is

Double twins : A strange case has been revealed in China. A woman gave birth to twins, but from different uteruses. A report from the South China Morning Post (SCMP) says a Chinese woman in the country’s northwest region has been diagnosed with a rare disease, which affects only 0.3 percent of women worldwide. Generally, … Read more

Alert! Due to the heatwave, pregnant women may face premature labor pains… a child may be born

Alert!  Due to the heatwave, pregnant women may face premature labor pains… a child may be born

Right now, it is extremely hot not only in India but in many countries around the world. At present, many people’s lives are in difficulty due to heatwave and heatwave. The elderly, children, pregnant women, everyone is suffering a lot because of the increasing heat and heatwave. The heat reached 45-50 degrees Celsius in some … Read more

डिलिवरी के लिए मां को अस्पताल में कब हो जाना चाहिए भर्ती, जिससे रास्ते में न हो बच्चे का जन्म?

डिलिवरी के लिए मां को अस्पताल में कब हो जाना चाहिए भर्ती, जिससे रास्ते में न हो बच्चे का जन्म?

<p style="text-align: justify;">जबलपुर (Jabalpur) में एंबुलेंस में ही महिला ने बच्चे की डिलिवरी की. जिसके बाद से यह चर्चा आम हो गई कि डिलिवरी के लिए एक मां को कब हॉस्पिटल पहुंच जाना चाहिए. जब आपका बच्चा पैदा हो रहा हो तो आप यह तय कर सकती हैं कि उसे कहां जन्म देना है. यह … Read more

ट्विन की मौत के 125 दिन बाद महिला ने दिया बच्चे को जन्म, डॉक्टर बोले- यह रेयर केस

ट्विन की मौत के 125 दिन बाद महिला ने दिया बच्चे को जन्म, डॉक्टर बोले- यह रेयर केस

पश्चिम बंगाल (West Bengal) के ‘बर्दमान मेडिकल कॉलेज एंड हॉस्पिटल’ (Burdwan Medical College & Hospital) (बीएमसीएच) से एक अजीबोगरीब घटना सामने आई है. मीडिया रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक वहां के डॉक्टर ने एक महिला की खराब हेल्थ कंडिशन की वजह से 18 सप्ताह की प्री मैच्योर डिलीवरी करवाई गई थी. जिसमें जुड़वा बच्चे में से एक … Read more

Mother’s Tobacco Addiction Elevates Nicotine Levels in Newborn

Mother’s Tobacco Addiction Elevates Nicotine Levels in Newborn

In a desperate attempt to save his life, doctors transferred him to a tertiary neonatal hospital in Ahmedabad. Initially it was assumed that it was a case of birth asphyxia, but the medical team discovered something unexpected. The newborn’s critical condition was attributed to extremely high levels of . Shockingly, the boy’s nicotine levels were … Read more