Which diseases are caused by a deficiency of which vitamin? Learn from Swami Ramdev

Which diseases are caused by a deficiency of which vitamin? Learn from Swami Ramdev

We can discover diseases caused by minerals, vitamin deficiencies and nutrition present in our body. For example, by looking at your hair we can tell if your hair will fall out or if your hair will turn gray quickly. If your eyes are swollen or puffy, have your vitamin K and B-12 levels checked. White … Read more

Do you eat a lot of fruit together daily? Know how it can harm your health

Do you eat a lot of fruit together daily? Know how it can harm your health

Many people resort to fruits to lose weight quickly, but this is not at all correct. And even doctors do not advise doing it. However, it is believed that eating too much fruit can be harmful to the liver because the fructose found in fruit contains fat. The natural acids and sugars found in fruits … Read more

Teeth can become sensitive between the ages of 20 and 50, know the reasons and the treatment method.

Teeth can become sensitive between the ages of 20 and 50, know the reasons and the treatment method.

Teeth can become sensitive between the ages of 20 and 50, know the reasons and the treatment method. Source link

How important is it to brush when a child’s first tooth appears? Know, otherwise…

How important is it to brush when a child’s first tooth appears? Know, otherwise…

Children’s dental health : It is important to start brushing as soon as the child’s first milk teeth appear. Many people may be surprised to learn that a child’s teeth may also need brushing and flossing, as most of us know how to take care of our teeth, but We are negligent towards children. The … Read more

Are you troubled by dental problems? Then don’t ignore these symptoms… it could be cancer.

Are you troubled by dental problems? Then don’t ignore these symptoms… it could be cancer.

Dental problems are a common problem for many people. But sometimes they can be the first signs of a serious illness. Oral cancer, which affects the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat, is often mistaken for a less serious dental problem. Early detection is important, so it can be beneficial to be aware of the warning … Read more

अधिक मीठा खाने से सिर्फ शुगर ही नहीं होती हैं ये 5 खतरनाक बीमारियां

अधिक मीठा खाने से सिर्फ शुगर ही नहीं होती हैं ये 5 खतरनाक बीमारियां

अधिक मीठा खाने से सिर्फ शुगर ही नहीं होती हैं ये 5 खतरनाक बीमारियां Source link

If you are eating a lot of raw mangoes by applying salt in summer, then know the serious damage caused by it.

If you are eating a lot of raw mangoes by applying salt in summer, then know the serious damage caused by it.

Side Effect Of Raw Mango: As soon as the summer season comes, there is a glut of mangoes in the market. Everyone wants to taste juicy mangoes. Along with ripe mangoes, people also like to eat raw mangoes. Sour in taste, raw mangoes are eaten by applying salt. Raw mango chutney is made in many … Read more

Do not take lightly the white spots on the teeth, here are the ways to get rid of them easily.

Do not take lightly the white spots on the teeth, here are the ways to get rid of them easily.

White Spots on Teeth: For a good smile, it is important that your teeth are also perfect. Yellow teeth or white spots in the teeth, this type of problem can spoil your teeth and smile. To understand how to get rid of white spots on teeth, first of all it should be understood that what … Read more