Know why it is necessary to give CPR in cardiac arrest, why it does not happen in heart attack

Know why it is necessary to give CPR in cardiac arrest, why it does not happen in heart attack

CPR Work In Cardiac Arrest: Heart is the most important part of our body. According to which heart diseases are increasing in the country and the world, according to that the cases of cardiac arrest are also gaining momentum. Due to many reasons, the stop of heartbeat is called cardiac arrest. In this situation, along … Read more

3 Early Signs of Heart Attack And How to Deal With ‘Silent Heart Attack’

3 Early Signs of Heart Attack And How to Deal With ‘Silent Heart Attack’

Heart Attack Symptoms: How is a normal heart attack different from a silent heart attack? What are the 3 main early signs of a heart attack that should never be ignored? Read ahead. 3 early signs of a heart attack and how to deal with a ‘silent heart attack’ Early signs of a heart attack: … Read more

You can also save someone’s life in case of heart attack, only these two things have to be done

You can also save someone’s life in case of heart attack, only these two things have to be done

What Is CPR Method: Nowadays the cases of heart attack are coming very much. People get heart attack while laughing. Many times you must have seen people suddenly falling on a public place. It could be a heart attack or cardiac arrest. If you are there and you know how to give CPR then you … Read more

Do you know the right way to do CPR? Most people make these mistakes in doing CPR

Do you know the right way to do CPR?  Most people make these mistakes in doing CPR

How To Do CPR: CPR is taught abroad from school age but now in India also doctors motivate to learn this medical technique and perform it when needed. CPR is such a life saving act that if done on time, it can save the life of a person who is in cardiac arrest. Not only … Read more