If there is a wet lung disease, then this disease can make breathing difficult.

Wet Lung Disease Treatment: The lungs deliver oxygen to the heart, an important part of the body by pulling the air. The heart supplies this oxygen to other organs. If the heart does not work, it affects the lungs. If the lungs stop working then the body will not get oxygen and this will increase … Read more

It is becoming difficult to live with pain in nerves, follow these effective tips, you will get relief

Nerve Pain Remedies: Nerve pain can be quite unbearable. Although nerve pain is not a serious condition, but sometimes it can prove fatal for you. Therefore, immediate medical advice is required in case of nerve pain. Apart from this, you can take the help of some effective home remedies to reduce the pain. Radish is … Read more

It is difficult to remove the phlegm accumulated in the lungs, follow these tips

Phlegm in Lungs: Due to the problem of cold-cold, phlegm starts accumulating in the lungs. Apart from this, there can be many other reasons for the accumulation of mucus in the lungs such as change in weather, infection etc. Due to the accumulation of mucus in the lungs for a long time, there can be … Read more

Is it difficult to sleep at night due to foot pain? Follow these easy tips

Leg Pain: Getting enough sleep is very important. But many times, despite the physical fatigue being too much, there is no good sleep. Especially when suddenly there is pain in the feet at night, then the whole night gets worse. Therefore, it is necessary to get relief from foot pain for better sleep. Today we … Read more

Wearing shorts can be difficult due to dark thighs, follow these measures

Thigh Whitening : Often we pay more attention to the cleanliness of those parts of the body which are open, such as face, hands, underarms, feet etc. At the same time, they do not pay much attention to the cleanliness of the covered parts. Especially people do not pay much attention to the cleanliness of … Read more

Back pain making it difficult to walk? Know these important things

Types of Back Pain: Back pain includes back pain, lower back pain and back pain. However, the cause of pain in every part of the back is not the same. Only after examining the possible causes of pain in the part of the back and waist, your doctor is able to tell correctly about what … Read more