Will AI replace doctors in the future, know the answer from experts

Will AI replace doctors in the future, know the answer from experts

Role of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector: In this increasingly high-tech world, interference from Artificial Intelligence is increasing in all areas. With the presence of artificial intelligence, many tasks have become easier in most fields. Things also seem to be changing in the health sector. When it comes to the healthcare sector, the presence … Read more

35% of doctors in the country working night shifts do not feel safe – IMA

35% of doctors in the country working night shifts do not feel safe – IMA

Dangerous Doctors Report: There has been public anger after the rape and murder of a trainee doctor in Kolkata and the question has also arisen whether the doctor himself, who is considered God on earth, is safe on his workplace. After this incident, a very disturbing investigation report by the Indian Medical Association, namely the … Read more

HealthPlix launches HALO, transforming doctor-patient interactions into digital prescriptions – ET HealthWorld

HealthPlix launches HALO, transforming doctor-patient interactions into digital prescriptions – ET HealthWorld

Bombay: HealthPlix Technologies launched an innovative solution HALODesigned to revolutionize health care By transforming doctor-patient interactions into digital recipes no problem. This technology It is the first of its kind and guarantees that the Doctors There is no need to type or write by hand to generate a prescription. All they need is to talk … Read more

More Patients and Less Doctors: A Major Healthcare Strain in India

More Patients and Less Doctors: A Major Healthcare Strain in India

The pressure on healthcare infrastructure in India is immense, with only 20 healthcare workers per 10,000 people, who are unevenly distributed across regions, said Dr Shuchin Bajaj, Founder and Director of Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals. Since India gained independence in 1947, the population has grown from 336 million to about 1.5 billion, leading to … Read more

PM Modi Salutes Doctors’ Dedication to Health Infrastructure

PM Modi Salutes Doctors’ Dedication to Health Infrastructure

Prime Minister Narendra Modi affirmed the NDA government’s commitment to improving the country’s health infrastructure.) The Prime Minister said this while extending his greetings on National Doctors’ Day. ‘#NationalDoctorsDay is a time to show appreciation for the unwavering dedication and selfless service of medical professionals.’Tweet it now National Doctor’s Day The Prime Minister posted on … Read more

एंटीबायोटिक के इस्तेमाल के लिए सरकार ने बनाए नियम, डॉक्टरों और केमिस्टों को कड़े निर्देश जारी

एंटीबायोटिक के इस्तेमाल के लिए सरकार ने बनाए नियम, डॉक्टरों और केमिस्टों को कड़े निर्देश जारी

<p style="text-align: justify;">एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं को लेकर डायरेक्टरेट जनरल ऑफ हेल्थ सर्विस (DGHS) ने भारत के फार्मासिस्ट एसोसिएशन को पत्र लिखा है. इस लेटर के जरिए केमिस्ट से यह अपील की गई है कि आम नागरिक को एंटीबायोटिक दवा देने से पहले डॉक्टर्स के प्रिस्क्रिप्शन जरूर देंखे. और प्रिस्क्रिप्शन के आधार पर ही दवा दें. इस … Read more

शरीर में गांठ है और दर्द नहीं होता… फिर भी हो सकता है कैंसर! जानें क्या कहते हैं हेल्थ एक्सपर

शरीर में गांठ है और दर्द नहीं होता… फिर भी हो सकता है कैंसर! जानें क्या कहते हैं हेल्थ एक्सपर

King George’s Medical University (KGMU) के हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट के मुताबिक गर्दन, बगल, या कमर में बिना किसी दर्द के गांठ हैं तो यह लसीका कैंसर के लक्षण हो सकते हैं. डॉक्टरों ने बताया कि लिम्फेटिक बल्ड सर्कुलेशन और नोड्स का एक नेटवर्क है जो संक्रमण और बीमारी से लड़ने में मदद करता है. लिम्फ नोड्स … Read more

Advanced tech: Move to help poor with mental disorders – ET HealthWorld

Advanced tech: Move to help poor with mental disorders – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Which could be a boon for economically weaker Delhi patients suffering from depression, anxiety, Post traumatic stress smoking, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia, advanced mental health treatment will be available to them free of charge. The deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (deep TMS) technique uses a non-invasive method to stimulate the brain in order … Read more