सोते समय सूख जाता है गला तो हो जाएं सावधान, हो सकती है ये खतरनाक बीमारी

Sleeping Precautions: अक्सर सुबह सोकर उठने के बाद गला सूखा सा रहता है. कई बार सोते समय भी मुंह या गला सूखता (Dry Mouth) है. यह सामान्य भी हो सकता है. क्योंकि नींद के समय मुंह में लार बनना कम हो जाता है लेकिन अगर रोज-रोज ऐसा हो तो सावधान हो जाना चाहिए. क्योंकि अगर इस … Read more

Diabetes Alert: Dryness, Cavity And 6 Mouth Signs of High Blood Sugar to Watch For

Home Health Diabetes Alert: Dryness, Cavity And 6 Mouth Signs of High Blood Sugar to Watch For Diabetes is currently one of the most prevalent medical conditions in India, and it can have effect in your mouth that can lead to poor oral hygiene. Here are 6 symptoms to watch for. Diabetes Alert: Dryness, Cavity … Read more

खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पीने की है आदत, तो इन बातों का जरूर रखें ध्यान

हम में से कई लोग खाना खाने से पहले तो कुछ खाना खाने के बाद पानी पीते हैं. कुछ लोगों की आदत होती है कि वह खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद या उस दौरान ही खूब पानी पीते हैं. हालांकि खाने के बाद पानी पीने से कोई खतरा नहीं है. लेकिन सबसे जरूरी बात यह … Read more

Have a habit of drinking water again and again without feeling thirsty, so be careful, otherwise this disease can happen

Half of the human body is made up of water. This is the reason why doctors always ask to drink more and more water. This is the reason why we feel thirsty. By drinking water, the temperature of our body remains under control and there is no problem of dehydration. Dieticians or health experts always … Read more

Repeated dry mouth can also cause disease, just follow these 5 tips for prevention

Dry Mouth Remedies: Usually saliva remains in people’s mouth. Saliva has many benefits. Good bacteria are found in saliva. At the same time, saliva is also good for the health of the mouth. But many times it happens that saliva is not produced in the mouth. A condition like dryness in the mouth, foul smell, … Read more

There is no problem of dry mouth even after drinking water? Get away with these ways

Dry Mouth Remedies: When the process of saliva production in the mouth slows down, the throat becomes very dry. There can be many reasons for this, which may include low amount of fluoride in water, lack of water in the body, etc. In this problem you can increase the problem of dehydration. That’s why it … Read more