If you eat more than 2 eggs in summer, then be careful, otherwise you can fall in the grip of this serious disease.

Side Effects Of Eggs: Be it Sunday or Monday, eat eggs everyday. We all have been hearing this since childhood. But do you know that eating more than 2 eggs in summer can prove to be harmful for your health. Many people like to eat it after boiling, while some like to eat its vegetable … Read more

You will consume eggs like this for weight loss, then in 10 days the stomach will be inside

Egg Benefits for Weight LossMost of the people nowadays are troubled by obesity. For this, from sweating in the gym for hours to dieting, what do people do to lose weight. However, many times people are not able to get the desired result even after taking the right diet. If you are thinking of losing … Read more

Is egg veg or non veg? You will be surprised to know the answer to this question

Egg Vegetarian or Non Vegetarian: Many people believe that egg is a veg, so some vegetarians also include it in their diet. At the same time, some Indians believe that the egg is non-veg because chicks come out of the egg. They think that the egg is non-vegetarian in a way. , Source link

What happens when you eat only egg whites and discard the yolk | The Times of India

Most people discard the yolk because it is high in cholesterol, fat, and sodium. But if you eat a limited amount of eggs, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you don’t have to worry about cholesterol and fat content. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or build muscle, you need cholesterol and fat for … Read more