When my life unravelled, I was so grateful to be put on antidepressants. But no one ever prepared me for the nine-month ordeal it took me to come off them. RACHEL KELLY reveals the hidden dangers of the pills dished out to millions by overstretched GPs

I will never forget the moment my life unravelled, more than 20 years ago. At the time, I was a reporter with two small boys and a husband who worked in financial services. I considered myself happy and blessed, though I was anxious and at times overwhelmed by the pace of our lives. Depression struck … Read more

How patients are being denied mental health treatment that might stop them harming, or even killing themselves, by doctors who believe they’re ‘attention seekers’ simply ‘making it up’

Thousands of children and young adults in the UK with serious mental illness are being denied the help they need because doctors label them as difficult and requiring care.searchingexperts say. Leading doctors are now calling for an immediate ban on young people being classified as having borderline personality disorder (BPD), a condition in which they … Read more

Man With Unyielding Depression Starts Picking Up Litter–And Helps Clear 13 Tons of Trash with Family and Strangers

Mike Scotland with some members of his group, Community Clean Up (via SWNS) A 32-year-old man started picking up trash to improve his mental health and now his entire family spends quality time together cleaning up, while helping his community. Mike Scotland began experiencing depression when he was in his early 20s. After struggling for … Read more

“Don’t Want Sympathy…”: Micheal Vaughan Reveals Battle With Stress-Related Illness | Cricket News

File photo of Michael Vaughan© X (formerly Twitter) “I’ll be honest with you; I was never going to talk about it. But then I thought, ‘Wait a minute, there are probably enough people who go through similar things and stay silent.’ I don’t want this. “It seems like I’m looking for sympathy, because it’s not … Read more

Can ‘happy pills’ make you sad? The truth about antidepressants from their users

IT is a billion dollar question, do so-called “happy pills” work? The value of the global antidepressant market in 2022 was £13BILLION. The value of the global antidepressant market in 2022 was £13BILLIONCredit: Shutterstock Dr Alex George credits his sertraline pills with pulling him through after the loss of his younger brother to suicide in … Read more

7 मिनट में किया जाएगा कैंसर का इलाज, इंग्लैंड शुरू करने जा रहा है Cancer Treatment Jab

<p>इंग्लैंड जल्द ही कैंसर के मरीज के इलाज के लिए एक नायाब तरीका निकालने जा रहा है. जिसमें कैंसर के मरीज को 7 मिनट का इंजेक्शन दिया जाएगा. ‘ब्रिटेन की सरकारी स्वास्थ्य सेवा’ (एनएचएस) दुनिया की पहली ऐसी एजेंसी है जो इस तरह की कैंसर के मरीजों के लिए इंजेक्शन शुरू करने जा रही है. … Read more

England Cancer Patients Will Be First To Access 7-Minute Treatment Jab

Home News England Cancer Patients Will Be First To Access 7-Minute Treatment Jab NHS England has announced that numerous eligible patients receiving immunotherapy with atezolizumab will now receive “under the skin” injections. This change will help cancer teams to better manage their time. Published: August 31, 2023 9:38 AM IST By Joy Pillai England Cancer … Read more

Jamie George provides boost for England with unexpected return to fitness

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