This is the most dreaded thing during pregnancy, a little carelessness can cause damage.

According to the report published in the “Daily Mail”, if a woman suffering from epilepsy becomes pregnant, she is 47 percent more afraid than those suffering from other illnesses. The reason is that the child of a woman who takes medication for this disease is likely to have birth defects. Women are afraid of these … Read more

मिर्गी अटैक पड़ते ही घबराएं नहीं बल्कि फॉलो करें यह खास तरीका

Health Tips: मिर्गी अटैक पड़ते ही घबराएं नहीं बल्कि फॉलो करें यह खास तरीका Source link

मिर्गी अटैक पड़ते ही घबराएं नहीं बल्कि फॉलो करें यह खास तरीका, तुरंत मिलेगा आराम

<p style="text-align: justify;">मिर्गी एक खास तरह का न्यूरोलॉजिकल डिसऑर्डर की बीमारी है. जिसमें मरीज के दिमाग कई तरह की दिक्कतें शुरू होती है. इस बीमारी में लोगों के दिमाग का बैलेंस पूरी तरह से बिगड़ जाता है. जिसके कारण इस बीमारी के मरीज को दौड़ा पड़ने लगता है. आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि … Read more

International Epilepsy Day 2024: 5 Lifestyle Practices to Adapt and Manage Seizures

Home Health International Epilepsy Day 2024: 4 Lifestyle Practices to Adapt and Manage Seizures On international epilepsy day, let us look at some lifestyle tips to be mindful of for a better and healthier life. International Epilepsy Day 2024: 5 Dietary Practices to Adapt and Manage Seizures Epilepsy is a neurological disease where nerve cell … Read more

World Epilepsy Day 2024: Dispelling Common Myths And Misconceptions About The Condition

Home Health World Epilepsy Day 2024: Dispelling Common Myths About The Condition Are you also unaware about the neurological condition called epilepsy? Take a look at its myths and misconceptions. International Epilepsy Day 2024 International Epilepsy Day 2024: This is a neurological disorder that is characterised by recurrent seizures.  A lot of people have been … Read more

क्या बार बार मिर्गी का दौरा आना भी हो सकता है ब्रेन ट्यूमर का संकेत? जानें ऐसा होने पर क्या करे

Epilepsy Symptoms: मिर्गी (epilepsy)दिमाग से संबंधित बीमारी है जिसमें मरीज को दौरे पड़ते हैं और वो लगभग बेहोश हो जाता है. हालांकि मिर्गी काफी पुरानी बीमारी है लेकिन लोगों में इसको लेकर जागरुकता की कमी के चलते ये जब बेकाबू हो जाती है तो शरीर में अन्य कई तकलीफें होने लगती हैं. इन्हीं में से एक … Read more

Alarming Increase in Brain Strokes Among Youngsters in India

Chairing the session, Rajendra K. Dhamija, Director, Institute of Human Behavior and Allied Sciences (IHBAS), NCT Government of Delhi, said: “The number of cases have increased in the country and have doubled among our youth, while they have decreased in developed nations. Preventive care is paramount in dealing with this threat of strokes among Indians. … Read more

Do this work immediately after an epileptic attack, it is very important for you to know

Mirgi Treatment: If there is a person in or around your house who is suffering from epilepsy, then you must know some things about this disease. When an epileptic attack occurs, the patient reaches a very dangerous condition, at that time some people do not understand how to cure the patient or what should be … Read more