Belly blasting tips that actually work

While more Malaysians are adopting better habits for good health, many are finding they have problem areas where they just can’t fatten up to shrink. Raise your hand if you’re one of the millions who find themselves with a layer of stubborn fat around their waists? It’s frustrating that even though you may be making … Read more

Here’s a stretch workout session seniors can try at home

Ask your doctor, or just Google it, the importance of stretching for seniors, and you’ll get enthusiastic agreement from experts who say the same thing: stretching is highly beneficial. in the video aboveAngee Ludwa, a physical therapist with The Giving Tree Collective, broke down a stretching exercise seniors can try at home. According to the … Read more

16 Easy Exercises That Can Improve Your Posture

You have been lazing around in the posture department? Thanks to our smartphones, iPads, and more, many of us spend our days craning our necks to look at our devices. Working from home has also created complications, which experts affectionately refer to as “pandemic posture.” Fixing your posture can not only relieve back or neck … Read more

Here’s How to Work Out Muscle Knots, According to an Exercise Physiologist

Imagine you just completed a tough upper body workout. Your muscles feel a bit tired, but overall, you can get through the rest of the day with no problem. The next morning, you wake up to find that the back of your shoulder blade feels stiff. When you rub your shoulder muscles, it feels like … Read more

These Advanced Stretching Techniques Can Actually Make You More Flexible

Photo: fizkes (Shutterstock) If you have been following my stretching trip, this is the part where it starts to get interesting. Later establish a routine, I have been starting to think if I am stretching in the most effective way or not. Recently, I tried some new techniques. As I go along, I try to … Read more

How to Work a Stretching Session Into Your Day

Photo: RealPeopleStudy (Shutterstock) In March, I tried to find out if I could fit stretching into my fitness regimen and I like to do that. After almost three weeksI am Still doing more or less the same routine as I described in my last mail. My biggest focus this time has been consistency—I knew my … Read more