What is Computer Vision Syndrome, Digital Eye Strain That May Lead to Blurred Eyesight?

What is Computer Vision Syndrome, Digital Eye Strain That May Lead to Blurred Eyesight?

Home Health What is Computer Vision Syndrome, Digital Eye Strain That May Lead to Blurred Eyesight? All You Need to Know Computer Vision Syndrome is basically resultant of digital eye strain that affects the eye health of everyone. Long hours of screentime can lead to headache, blurry vision and more. Here is how you can … Read more

Alert ! ज्यादा देर तक फोन चलाना छीन सकता है आंखों की रोशनी, बना सकता है अंधा

Alert ! ज्यादा देर तक फोन चलाना छीन सकता है आंखों की रोशनी, बना सकता है अंधा

Smartphone For Eyes : अगर आप भी दिनभर अपने मोबाइल फोन से चिपके रहते हैं तो अलर्ट हो जाइए. क्योंकि यह आपकी आंखों की रोशनी भी छीन सकता है. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स भी स्मार्टफोन के साइड इफेक्ट्स से सावधान करते हैं. क्योंकि इससे जुड़ी समस्याएं काफी गंभीर (Smartphone Side Effects) हैं. ज्यादा फोन चलाने से सेहत से … Read more

डायबिटीज में खत्म न हो जाए आंखों की रोशनी, जानें ड्राई आई सिंड्रोम से बचने के उपाय

डायबिटीज में खत्म न हो जाए आंखों की रोशनी, जानें ड्राई आई सिंड्रोम से बचने के उपाय

Eye Care in Diabetes : आजकल ड्राई आई सिंड्रोम (DES) की समस्या काफी कॉमन हो गई है. यह आंखों से जुड़ी एक ऐसी प्रॉब्लम है, जो पर्याप्त मात्रा में आंसू न बनने के कारण होती है. इसकी वजह से आंखें लाल होने लगती हैं, उसमें जलन महसूस होती है, कई बार धुंधला-धुंधला भी दिखता है. आंखों … Read more

Take special care of eyes in the rainy season, know why pink eyes after flood in Delhi

Take special care of eyes in the rainy season, know why pink eyes after flood in Delhi

Health Tips : A few days back, the capital Delhi-NCR saw havoc due to rain and floods. Now its side effects (Delhi Flood Side Effects) are also coming to the fore. Due to rain, diseases caused by mosquitoes and problems of many other parts of the body can increase. Due to flood, infections have started … Read more

Monsoon Health Kit For Eyes: 5 Things to be Mindful of This Season

Monsoon Health Kit For Eyes: 5 Things to be Mindful of This Season

Home Health Monsoon Health Kit For Eyes: From infections to precautions, 5 things to watch out for this season The onset of the monsoon involves a host of diseases and infections. It is important to be well aware of the symptoms, common problems, and how to treat them. This health is an all-encompassing toolkit to … Read more

If you are seeing blurry then be careful! Not only eyes, these diseases can also be at risk, do not ignore

If you are seeing blurry then be careful!  Not only eyes, these diseases can also be at risk, do not ignore

Blur Vision : The negative effect of bad lifestyle is also increasing rapidly on the eyes. Due to this, many diseases related to the eyes are happening. Nowadays, the problem of blurred vision is being seen at a very young age. According to experts, it is common to have many types of problems in the … Read more

Eye Health: How Regular Eyedrops May Help Lower Nearsightedness in Children ?

Eye Health: How Regular Eyedrops May Help Lower Nearsightedness in Children ?

Home Health Eye Health: How Regular Eye Drops Can Help Reduce Nearsightedness in Children? In a recent finding, there is a possibility that points to how eye drops may help reduce myopia in children. These days, children as young as 5 have started wearing glasses. Sometimes it can be due to some condition or genetics, … Read more

Not only diabetes, these reasons can also take away the eyesight, be careful, otherwise you may have to repent

Not only diabetes, these reasons can also take away the eyesight, be careful, otherwise you may have to repent

Eye Care : Today glasses are coming on the eyes at an early age. Bad lifestyle is believed to be the biggest reason for this. Mostly due to diabetes or high blood pressure, the eyesight starts decreasing but there can be many other reasons for the weakening of vision (Vision Loss Reason). In such a … Read more