चेहरे, शरीर पर हो रही छोटी छोटी फुंसियां? ये है वो तरीका, जिससे कुछ ही दिन में हो जाएंगी साफ

शरीर पर छोटी-छोटी फुंसियां होना आम बात है. अक्सर यह दिक्कत गर्मियों के मौसम में ज्यादा होती है. फुंसियों के छोटे दाने सिर्फ चेहरे पर ही नहीं बल्कि शरीर के किसी भी भाग पर हो सकते हैं. लेकिन ध्यान रहे आप बार-बार फुंसियों को छुए और फोड़े नहीं, इससे फुंसियां ओर बढ़ने लगती है साथ … Read more

Doctors reveal the impact of air pollution on our mental health

According to physical aptitude experts, the air pollution It can not only affect respiratory problems, but it can also seriously affect mental health. With high levels of pollution leading to toxic air quality in several northern Indian cities, including the national capital New Delhi, low AQI is beginning to cause irreversible damage to health. {{^subscribeduser}} … Read more

Good news to save from covid! Scientist made such a mask that will detect the virus in the air

Face Mask Can Alert About Covid Virus: Mask is necessary to avoid corona, but now scientist has created such a face mask that can detect cold cough or corona virus spread within 10 minutes. If there is a virus of any of these diseases in the air, then this mask can identify it through droplets … Read more

Skin will glow with curd, just massage like this

Curd For Instant Glow: Skin care plays a very important role in everyone’s routine. Whether it is a common man or a celebrity, everyone makes various efforts regarding their skin care routine. Some people believe more on external products, while some are seen trying to enhance their face with home remedies. In such a situation, … Read more