Vitamin B6 Deficiency: How to Identify When You Are Low On This Nutrient? 5 Signs to Know

Vitamin B6 Deficiency: How to Identify When You Are Low On This Nutrient? 5 Signs to Know

Home Health Vitamin B6 deficiency: how to identify when you have a deficiency of this nutrient? Five signs you should know Vitamin B6 is another essential nutrient that is primarily responsible for energy production in the body. Read on to understand how these warning signs indicate a vitamin B6 deficiency. Vitamins and minerals contribute to … Read more

These are the early symptoms of lung cancer, and ignoring them can be costly.

These are the early symptoms of lung cancer, and ignoring them can be costly.

Lung cancer is one of the most common and serious types of cancer. Lung cancer is like a silent killer, it is not detected at all in the beginning. When it reaches its third stage. Then its mild symptoms appear on the body. If this disease is detected early, lives can be saved. His first … Read more

Frequent Muscle Cramps? 6 Warning Signs That Hint Calcium Deficiency in Women Over 30

Frequent Muscle Cramps? 6 Warning Signs That Hint Calcium Deficiency in Women Over 30

Home Health Frequent muscle cramps? 6 warning signs that indicate calcium deficiency in women over 30 Calcium deficiency is a common problem faced by women. These subtle signs and symptoms after the age of 30 should not be ignored. Calcium deficiency is becoming an increasingly common problem. Women tend to be more deficient in calcium … Read more

If you also feel sleepy, you may be deficient in this vitamin.

If you also feel sleepy, you may be deficient in this vitamin.

If you constantly feel sleepy and tired, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is very important for our body as it strengthens our bones and maintains our energy. Apart from that, it also strengthens our immune system. Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Excessive sleepiness: If you feel tired and … Read more

If there is a deficiency of B12 in the body, the symptoms appear like this, do you know what the level should be in a healthy person?

If there is a deficiency of B12 in the body, the symptoms appear like this, do you know what the level should be in a healthy person?

If there is a deficiency of B12 in the body, the symptoms appear like this, do you know what the level should be in a healthy person? Source link

Meet Olivia Farnsworth, a UK Teenager Who Doesn’t Sense Pain or Hunger Due to THIS Rare Disorder

Meet Olivia Farnsworth, a UK Teenager Who Doesn’t Sense Pain or Hunger Due to THIS Rare Disorder

Home Women Meet Olivia Farnsworth, a UK Teenager Who Doesn’t Sense Pain or Hunger Due to THIS Rare Disorder Shocking! 14-year-old Olivia Farnsworth can’t feel pain, hunger or danger due to a rare condition called hormone 6 deletion. As per doctors, she is the only individual known to be incapable of sensing all three stimuli. … Read more

यूरिन का बदला हुआ रंग आपकी किडनी की बीमारी के हैं शुरुआती संकेत

यूरिन का बदला हुआ रंग आपकी किडनी की बीमारी के हैं शुरुआती संकेत

Health Tips: यूरिन का बदला हुआ रंग आपकी किडनी की बीमारी के हैं शुरुआती संकेत Source link

यूरिन में बदबू और बदला हुआ रंग किडनी की बीमारी के हैं शुरुआती संकेत, जानें लक्षण

यूरिन में बदबू और बदला हुआ रंग किडनी की बीमारी के हैं शुरुआती संकेत, जानें लक्षण

<p style="text-align: justify;">किडनी हो या लिवर यह हमारे शरीर का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण ऑर्गन है. लिवर हमारे शरीर से गंदगी निकालने का काम करता है वहीं किडनी का काम है हमारे शरीर से वेस्ट पार्ट को अलग करके शरीर से बाहर निकालना. जब इसमें किसी भी तरह का इंफेक्शन या खराबी शुरू होती है तो वह … Read more