इन कारणों से पीरियड्स में होता है ज्यादा थकान, जानें इसका समाधान

Tiredness During Periods : पीरियड्स के दौरान महिलाओं को थकान महसूस होना आम बात है. इसके पीछे कई कारण हो सकते हैं.  पीरियड के दौरान होने वाले रक्त स्राव से शरीर में आयरन की स्तर में कमी , खून की कमी आदि हो सकता है, जिससे हेमोग्लोबिन की स्तर में गिरावट होती है. जब हेमोग्लोबिन … Read more

This is how the body sends signals before heart failure, but often people ignore it

‘Heart failure’ is a serious medical condition… Any person goes through it when his heart does not work properly. If understood in medical language, if the heart is not able to pump blood according to the needs of the body, then heart failure starts. If understood in simple language, it clearly means that the heart … Read more

These 6 symptoms start appearing in the body when cholesterol increases… Do not ignore even by mistake

Warning Sign Of High Cholesterol: High cholesterol is a very serious problem. The high level of cholesterol in the body increases the risk of heart diseases. Due to this, you can become a victim of serious diseases like heart attack and stroke. Let us tell you that cholesterol is a wax substance found in the … Read more

These serious diseases can be surrounded by not doing physical activity…the body will be useless forever

Side Effects Of Physical Inactivity: In this modern age, our lifestyle has deteriorated due to being sedentary. Working long hours sitting at a desk, spending hours in front of a screen, etc., is making us sick somewhere. In fact, the human body is designed to move, and when we don’t do regular physical activity, So … Read more

What is Pregnancy Fatigue? 5 Ways How Moms-to-Be May Cope With It

Home Health What is pregnancy fatigue? 5 Ways Moms-to-be Can Cope Pregnancy fatigue is a common experience that all pregnant mothers go through. We get it, it’s exhausting work, but these few tips can help relieve stress. Pregnancy fatigue: how moms-to-be can cope (Freepik) As beautiful as the journey to motherhood is, it can also … Read more

If there is lack of energy in the body and weakness throughout the day, then say bye-bye to these things.

Avoid These Foods: If there is lack of energy in the body and weakness throughout the day, then say bye-bye to these things. Source link

Light nap has these benefits

Afternoon Nap: Some people do not sleep well at night, for which they compensate by sleeping for a few minutes during the day. In a way, a light nap taken during the day helps to make up for the lost sleep at night and the person feels energetic and refreshed. But, do experts recommend napping … Read more