Is Winter Fog Affecting Your Lungs? 5 Tips to Manage Breathing Issues

Home Health Is Winter Fog Affecting Your Lungs? 5 Tips to Manage Breathing Issues Winter fog is now what everyday headlines. While it sure becomes an issue in terms of visibility and everyday commute, it also has health risks, especially affecting breathing. Is Winter Fog Affecting Your Lungs? 5 Tips to Manage Breathing Issues (Freepik) … Read more

After Corona, have you also got forgetfulness… is it the problem of brain fog?

Covid Cause Brain Fog: Corona has caused havoc for a long time, although it is not completely over yet, in one way or the other, Kovid is harming people. One thing related to Kovid is obvious that Kovid affects the respiratory system, but very few people are aware that this virus can also affect the … Read more

What is brain fog, its causes, symptoms and ways to prevent it

Brain Fog Problem: Due to changing lifestyle and increasing mental stress, people are facing problems like brain fog nowadays. Brain fog is not a medical condition in itself but a symptom of other medical conditions. It is a type of cognitive dysfunction that includes loss of memory, lack of mental clarity, trouble concentrating, inability to … Read more