Include these elements in your diet, the risk of cancer will reduce.

Include these elements in your diet, the risk of cancer will reduce.

Fruits and vegetables that prevent cancer: Just hearing the name of a deadly disease like cancer, the idea of ​​death comes to our mind, but experts believe that if we keep our diet balanced and consume healthy foods, the risk of cancer can be significantly reduced. go. So today, let us tell you about these … Read more

Is drinking mixed fruit juices healthy or can it be harmful?

Is drinking mixed fruit juices healthy or can it be harmful?

Mixed Fruit Juices: Is Drinking Mixed Fruit Juices Healthy or Can It Be Harmful? Source link

If you also eat lychee daily during the summer season, know its disadvantages.

If you also eat lychee daily during the summer season, know its disadvantages.

Side Effects of Lychee: If you also eat lychee daily during the summer season, know its disadvantages. Source link

फलों का जूस या फल? सेहत के लिए दोनों में से कौन सा होता है अच्छा

फलों का जूस या फल? सेहत के लिए दोनों में से कौन सा होता है अच्छा

Fruit juice vs Fruit: फलों का जूस या फल? सेहत के लिए दोनों में से कौन सा होता है अच्छा Source link

फलों का जूस या फल? सर्दियों में आपके हेल्थ के लिए अच्छा क्या है…

फलों का जूस या फल? सर्दियों में आपके हेल्थ के लिए अच्छा क्या है…

Fruit juice vs Fruit: शरीर को एक्टिव और एकदम फिट रखने के लिए हर कोई अपनी दिनचर्या में फल को शामिल करते हैं. लेकिन कई बार ये सवाल आता है कि फल खाना ज्यादा फायदेमंद होता है या फलों का जूस पीना लाभदायक रहता है. इन दोनों में से आपको क्या चुनना चाहिए? फल स्वादिष्ट, … Read more

These healthy foods can reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by up to 30% – report

These healthy foods can reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by up to 30% – report

How To Prevent Heart Disease: The risk of heart diseases is increasing day by day. According to WHO data, 32% of the 18 million deaths recorded globally in 2019 were due to CBD. 50% of them were due to stroke or heart attack. In such a situation, if you want to reduce the risk of … Read more

Sugar Cravings? Here is How A Bowl of Fruits and Yogurt Can Come to Your Rescue

Sugar Cravings? Here is How A Bowl of Fruits and Yogurt Can Come to Your Rescue

Home Health Sugar cravings? This is how a fruit and yogurt plate can come to your rescue A bowl of fruit and yogurt are a great combination to satisfy those sugar cravings. Not to forget, this is nothing short of a bowl full of health! Sugar cravings? This is how a plate of fruit and … Read more