Fungal infection is dangerous for skin, know its symptoms, causes and treatment – GoMedii

Fungal infection is a very dangerous skin problem for the skin. The risk of fungal infection is higher during the monsoon season. A fungal infection can occur if the skin remains moist for a long time. The risk of this problem is highest during the months of July and August.   This is a very … Read more

Are you also concerned about a fungal infection? So adopt these five easy home remedies

Nowadays, skin related problems have become common. In such a situation, most people remain concerned. Sometimes the fungal infection increases so much that it begins to affect the person’s entire body. This causes redness, itching and a burning sensation. People make many efforts to cure fungal infections, but they still don’t get any relief. If … Read more

क्या है फंगल संक्रमण कैंडिडा ऑरिस की बीमारी, जो अमेरिका में मचा रही है तबाही

क्या है फंगल संक्रमण कैंडिडा ऑरिस की बीमारी, जो अमेरिका में मचा रही है तबाही Source link

Ringworm, scabies, itching… why does it happen again after getting cured? Know what is the reason behind this.

In the rainy season, many people have skin related problems or simply say that itching of the skin bothers them a lot. The biggest trouble is when you get the treatment for scabies. After treatment the itching gets cured but it comes back again. Sometimes it happens that you are taking medicine, then the itching … Read more

The risk of fungal infection increases during the rainy season… If you follow these tips, you will not be able to touch

Fungal Infections In Monsoon: Rain brings relief after the scorching heat, but it also brings with it the risk of many diseases and infections. We all know that the risk of fungal infection increases manifold during the rainy season. Due to getting wet in rain or staying in water for a long time, fungal infections … Read more

Cats will cause mayhem! Skin fungal disease spreading in humans, 3 cases found in Britain

Cat Transmitted Infection: A dreadful disease has been detected in Britain. The surprising thing is that this disease spreads through cats. This disease was first detected in South America. These days many cases of flash eating bacteria have been reported in America. In such a situation, the arrival of a new disease from America to … Read more

how to avoid fungal infection in monsoon Health Mantra

Updated : 25 Jul 2022 06:08 PM (IST) The monsoon season brings with it many new problems, one of which is fungal infection. Many people go to the doctor during this season with complaints of fungal infection. But how is fungal infection, where can fungal infection occur on the body and how to avoid it, … Read more