बच्चों को बचपन से ही सिखाएं इन बातों को, बड़े होकर बनेंगे जिम्मेदार

बच्चों को बचपन से ही सिखाएं इन बातों को, बड़े होकर बनेंगे जिम्मेदार Source link

इन बुरी आदतों से नहीं छुड़ाएंगे पीछा तो डाइट और योग भी हो जाएंगे बेअसर, फिट रहना है तो…

आज के जमाने में सबसे बड़ी नेमत अच्छी सेहत है. स्वस्थ रहने के लिए लोग योग करते हैं, एक्सरसाइज करते हैं औऱ जमकर डाइट करते हैं. कहते हैं कि सेहत को अच्छा रखने के लिए डाइट और एक्सरसाइज ही नहीं अच्छी आदतों का होना भी बहुत जरूरी है. लाइफस्टाइल संबंधी आदतें बिगड़ जाएं तो फिर … Read more

Not only those who get good marks but also those who have these habits are considered intelligent.

Habits Of Intelligent People: Who does not like to make the identity of an intelligent person by looking intelligent. But this is not everyone’s cup of tea. Because, people tend to assume that being intelligent means being topper in studies. Many people resort to puzzles or brain games to sharpen the mind. While this is … Read more

You will always be happy by adopting these habits, you will not leave a smile on your face.

Happy Living: There is hardly any person among us who does not want to be happy. We try many things to be happy. Many people do a lot of shopping, while many people put their mind in such things which gives them happiness. In such a situation, the question arises whether these things make you … Read more

Good Habits: To maintain energy in the office, do this work after waking up in the morning

Good HabitsIf you have to stay energetic throughout the day in the office, then this news is for you only. Yes, in fact, today we are going to tell you some such tips, which will keep you fresh and energetic throughout the day by using it in the morning. It is said that if the … Read more