If you feel like taking a bath immediately after returning from the sun, wait a bit, otherwise you will have to give and take.

Health tips for summer: The scorching heat of June continues to take its toll and in many states the temperature has exceeded 45 degrees. In such a situation, when people who work outside come back drenched in sweat, they directly go to take a bath so that their body can cool down. But do many … Read more

गर्मियों में नहीं होगा सेहत का बाल भी बांका, खुद का ख्याल रखने जानें क्या करें, क्या नहीं

Summer Health: तेज धूप और गर्मी की तपिश ने हाल बेहाल कर दिया है. देश के ज्यादातर हिस्से लू की चपेट में हैं. मौसम विज्ञान विभाग (IMD) के मुताबिक, ओडिशा, पश्चिम बंगाल, झारखंड, छत्तीसगढ़, मध्य प्रदेश, तेलंगाना और आंध्र प्रदेश में कुछ जगहों पर तो तापमान 42 से 45 डिग्री सेल्सियस तक पहुंच गया है. … Read more

Summer Diet Guide: Why These 6 Nutrients Should Be on Your Plate During Hot Weather

Home Health Summer Diet Guide: Why These 6 Nutrients Should Be On Your Plate During Hot Weather Summer is all about keeping your body hydrated and trying to keep summer allergies at bay. Here are some vital nutrients that should not be missing from the palate of summer food. Some states in India experience sweltering … Read more

Health Tips For Summer: 5 Food and Drinks You Must Avoid This Season

Home Health Summer Health Tips: 5 Foods and Drinks to Avoid This Season With the sun shining on our heads and making us sweat, here are some expertly recommended things one should avoid this summer season. Summer health tips: 5 foods and drinks to avoid this season (Freepik) Summer is all about striving to stay … Read more

Consuming fruit shake can be heavy in summer, this is the reason… know otherwise it will be heavy

Fruit Shake: From papaya shake, banana shake, mango shake to many other types of fruit shakes, the demand increases in summer. Because we all like to drink fruit shake. In the hot summer, we get immense happiness and freshness as soon as we drink a sip of our favorite shake. Fruits, sugar, milk and ice … Read more

From restlessness to excessive anger, these diseases are caused by drinking more water, the risk of coma

Summer Health Tips: Not only when thirsty, but drinking water in summer is also very important to keep the body hydrated. But if this water is consumed in excess, it can become the cause of disease. Here you are being given information about how to know whether you are drinking more or less water. Why … Read more

Irritation is happening due to heat and sweating, then this food will make the mood fresh

Food That Helps To Prevent Mood Swing: Summer means scorching sun, sun-induced sweating and stickiness. No matter how much you stay in AC or cooler, it is difficult to escape from this effect of summer season. This weather has a direct effect on our mood. By repeatedly wiping the sweat or by setting the temperature … Read more