Diet to Exercises, 7 Lifestyle Changes For Healthy Ageing

Home Health Diet to Exercise, 7 Lifestyle Changes for Healthy Aging What we eat, how we live determine our journey as we age. Therefore, taking the necessary steps now will help determine a healthier lifestyle. In a fast-paced contemporary lifestyle driven by the technological age, keeping everything healthy and fit becomes a chore. With increased … Read more

These common problems in the body directly affect the heart, do not ignore these signs

Health Tips: Aging is natural with increasing age and there is no way to avoid it. As you age, there are many changes in your body not only in hormones but also in the functioning of organs. For example, the heart is one of the most important parts of the body, which works to pump … Read more

7 Brain Exercises & Activities To Do Through The Decades

So what do brain exercises actually do, and how do they affect your state of mind? “Brain exercises keep your brain flexible and changeable—this is neuroplasticity,” He says neuroscientist Tara Swart, MD, Ph.D. “When we learn something new, we get the direct benefit of that new learning, but also global benefits in the brain on … Read more

The One Thing To Do As You Age For Better Memory + More Happiness

Based on the findings, it appears that adults who have a “robust/early wake pattern,” that is, waking up before 7 a.m. and staying active during the day, performed better on their cognitive assessments and had better mental health than participants whose daily schedules less “robust”. The participants who were going to bed and waking up … Read more

Study shows anti-aging promise of taurine supplementation

Based on the known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the compound, researchers at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil set out to evaluate the effects of taurine supplementation as a possible anti-aging therapy in women between the ages of 55 and 70. “Preventing the free radical buildup that occurs naturally with aging likely prevents … Read more

Reviewers Say This Vitamin C Product Gives Them A Major Glow

I often wax poetic about vitamin C for skin health. The superstar antioxidant has a host of benefits when used topically, including brightening overall tone, keeping skin firm, fighting free radicals, and much more. (There’s a reason vitamin c serums hailed as a must-use by most dermatologists!) But it’s not just topical use that skincare … Read more

This Phytonutrient Fuels Antioxidant & Anti-Inflammatory Pathways In The Body

Note the very modest resveratrol content of these food sources. While getting antioxidants and polyphenols from food is always a good thing, those looking for a clinically relevant (and specific, daily) dose of resveratrol may want to consider supplementation. nutrition scientist Ashley Jordan Ferira, PhD, RDN explains that, “A significant dose of resveratrol for health … Read more

Here’s How Vitamin D Has Been Linked To Living A Long, Healthy Life*

Vitamin D signaling pathways are a key factor in the direct protection of cells against excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).* Specifically, vitamin D helps protect proteins (e.g., hormones , antibodies, collagen, etc.), fatty acids (also known as lipids, like those in cell membranes throughout the body), and DNA from oxidation by fighting oxidative … Read more