Why are people under 35 years of age getting heart attack…how to prevent it?

Why are people under 35 years of age getting heart attack…how to prevent it?

Risk Of Heart Attack: Heart attack was earlier considered a disease of the elderly. But now youths of 30 to 40 years of age are also coming in its grip. One out of every five patients is below 40 years of age. A few years ago, a 40-year-old patient having a heart attack was considered … Read more

Earlier heart attack used to come to old people, now cases are increasing in youth, why?

Earlier heart attack used to come to old people, now cases are increasing in youth, why?

Heart Attack In Youngsters: Nowadays, the cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly among the youth. Earlier, only older people used to get heart attacks more. The risk of heart diseases used to start after the age of 45 to 50 years, but if we look at the data of the last 10 years, the … Read more