दिल के मरीज इन बातों का रखें खास ख्याल नहीं तो हो सकते हैं हार्ट फेलियर का शिकार

Heart Failure: दिल के मरीज इन बातों का रखें खास ख्याल नहीं तो हो सकते हैं हार्ट फेलियर का शिकार Source link

कई गंभीर बीमारियों से जूझ रहे हैं तो कैसे रखें दिल का ख्याल, क्या-क्या सावधानी बरतें

खराब लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान की वजह से डायबिटीज की समस्या आम हो चुकी है. दुनियाभर में डायबिटीज के कुल मामलों में से 90% मामले टाइप टू डायबिटीज के हैं. डायबिटीज दो प्रकार का होता है. टाइप वन डायबिटीज और टाइप टू डायबिटीज. डायबिटीज के मरीजों को हमेशा दिल से जुड़ी बीमारियों का खतरा ज्यादा रहता … Read more

Heart attack does not see age now, do you know why children are getting heart attack?

A heart-wrenching incident has come to the fore from Gujarat. The whole of India is shaken by this incident.  The news is that two minors have died of heart attack. The age of one deceased is 14 years, while the age of the other deceased is 17 years. There is mourning in the family due … Read more

It is good to eat watermelon, but know its disadvantages too… otherwise it will become a problem!

SideEffect Of Eating Watermelon: We often eat watermelon to keep ourselves cool and hydrated in summer. It contains 92 percent water. This gives many benefits to health. It is an excellent source of Vitamin B6. Many beneficial nutrients like potassium and lycopene are found in it. But do you know that despite having so many … Read more

You can see these signs in the beginning due to heart disease, do not forget to ignore them

Symptoms of heart attack: The symptoms of heart disease can really debilitate a person from inside as such a person experiences tightness in the chest or difficulty in breathing. There has been an increase in the number of people coming to hospitals for heart ailments, including people of all ages. Heart disease kills more than … Read more

Be careful! This bad sleep will make the heart sick, revealed in a study on 3 lakh people

Heart Attack Symptoms: Celebrities have had heart attacks. Many such news have come to the fore. Sushmita Sen’s recent heart attack and angioplasty are in headlines. Sushmita Sen has been the youth icon of the country. In such a situation, having a heart related problem at such a young age is a matter of concern … Read more

Stress, smoking, women taking pregnancy pills is no less than a cocktail for heart disease

Heart Attack In Females: When 47-year-old Sushmita Sen tweeted that she had undergone angioplasty and a stent in her heart, many people were perplexed as to how a fitness icon could be a heart patient. How can Miss Universe, who takes care of her health and fitness, fall sick at such a young age? But … Read more

Heart attack is coming…signs are visible in the eyes

Healthy Heart: Often you must have heard that more than a person’s tongue, his eyes tell the truth. The tongue also tells lies, but the eyes of any human being cannot tell lies. To an extent, this can also be said about your health. Many times it has been seen that your health is not … Read more