Beware of the loud sound of the DJ! ‘Sudden heart attack’ can make a victim

Beware of the loud sound of the DJ!  ‘Sudden heart attack’ can make a victim

Heart Attack Advice: There has been a sudden increase in the number of heart patients in the last few years. For a few months, many cases of ‘Sudden Heart Attack’ ie Sudden Heart Attack have also been recorded in people. According to doctors of heart diseases, the increasing number of cases of sudden heart attack, … Read more

Heart patients should exclude these 5 things from the diet, the heart will remain healthy and happy

Heart patients should exclude these 5 things from the diet, the heart will remain healthy and happy

Heart Health: These 5 things should be excluded from the diet of heart patients, the heart will remain healthy and happy. Source link

These 4 reasons increase the risk of heart attack in women, recognize the symptoms in time

These 4 reasons increase the risk of heart attack in women, recognize the symptoms in time

Heart Attack Risks: An unhealthy lifestyle and increased stress can increase the risk of heart attack. Blood flow stops in a heart attack. In this condition, blood cannot circulate in the heart. These days the risk of heart attack in women is increasing very fast. According to media reports, the risk of heart attack in … Read more

Follow these tips after heart attack, recovery will happen soon

Follow these tips after heart attack, recovery will happen soon

Ways To Recover From Heartattack : Heart attack is one of the most difficult moments in one’s life. It can take months to recover from this. This is the time when very bad thoughts also come in the mind. But at this time you should try to take care of yourself except all these things. … Read more

Know what is heart attack and how to keep yourself safe

Beware of the loud sound of the DJ!  ‘Sudden heart attack’ can make a victim

Heart Health Tips: Many people also died due to heart attack during the Corona period. Many big celebrities also died recently due to heart attack. Some got a heart attack while exercising in the gym, some got a heart attack while singing songs in a concert, and some got a heart attack while doing daily … Read more

Do you know the amazing benefits of white pepper? From stomach to heart pain, this is medicine

Do you know the amazing benefits of white pepper?  From stomach to heart pain, this is medicine

White Pepper Benefits: You must have heard many times about the benefits of red pepper and black pepper, but do you know about the benefits of white pepper? Yes, apart from red and black pepper, there is also white pepper. This chili can help to overcome many types of problems. It contains many nutrients like … Read more

Breaking your heart can also be dangerous, know everything related to it

Breaking your heart can also be dangerous, know everything related to it

Broken Heart Syndrome : Usually people will be aware of heart attack as a heart disease, but broken heart syndrome is a disease that can prove to be fatal. Today we are going to tell you everything related to the symptoms, prevention, and remedy of this syndrome. What is Broken Heart Syndrome Broken Heart Syndrome … Read more

Rest and your heart health

Rest and your heart health

Thursday, 1 September 2022, 17:32 the Spanish Sleep Society It has long been recognized that insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, and it is more frequent among women. We know that rest is essential for our health, to the point that sleeping poorly can cause major disorders, among which we are going to focus … Read more