India in Top 10 for Two-Thirds of Hepatitis B & C Cases

According to the 2024 Global Hepatitis Report by the World Health Organization (WHO), India ranks among the top 10 countries globally, representing nearly two-thirds of the burden of hepatitis B and C combined. (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceGlobal hepatitis report 2024: action for access in low Go to source ) The 10 countries are China, India, Indonesia, … Read more

Hepatitis: How it Affects People With Co-Morbidities? 5 Ways to Prevent it

Home Health Hepatitis: How it Affects People With Co-Morbidities? 5 Ways to Prevent it Hepatitis is an infectious disease that affects severely to people with existing co-morbidities. Hepatitis is a very common infectious disease seen in the rainy season, at least in North India around Delhi, commonly caused by hepatitis A and D it is … Read more

Syringe related carelessness can be heavy, life can be lost

Reuse of Syringe: Recently, in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh, the incident of giving vaccine to 30 children with a single syringe came to light. (Syringe) is not reused. In such a situation, the case of a health official applying the vaccine to so many children with a single syringe is shocking and disturbing. These … Read more