Dengue And High Blood Pressure: How is This Mosquito-Borne Disease Linked With High BP – 5 Ways to Manage it

Dengue And High Blood Pressure: How is This Mosquito-Borne Disease Linked With High BP – 5 Ways to Manage it

Home Health Dengue And High Blood Pressure: How is This Mosquito-Borne Disease Linked With High BP – 5 Ways to Manage it With dengue cases rising, people living with comorbidities like hypertension have become more prone to contracting the infection. But, dengue can soon turn deadly for people already having high blood pressure. A cough … Read more

Hypertension in India: With 188.3 Million Living With BP Why Only 37% Are Diagnosed? WHO Sheds Light

Hypertension in India: With 188.3 Million Living With BP Why Only 37% Are Diagnosed? WHO Sheds Light

Home Health Hypertension in India: With 188.3 Million Living With BP Why Only 37% Are Diagnosed? WHO Sheds Light WHO released it’s first ever report on hypertension. According to its stats on India, only 37 per cent of people are diagnosed with the health condition and here is why it is a problem. Hypertension is … Read more

Hypertension: 7 Home Remedies to Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home

Hypertension: 7 Home Remedies to Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home

Home Health Hypertension: 7 Home Remedies to Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home In a recent report by WHO, 1 in 3 adults worldwide live with hypertension. With growing concerns, it is important to manage BP as naturally as possible. Hypertension: 7 Effective Home Remedies to Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home High … Read more

जिम में क्यों आ रहा है हार्ट अटैक, इससे बचने के लिए जिम से पहले क्या करें?

जिम में क्यों आ रहा है हार्ट अटैक, इससे बचने के लिए जिम से पहले क्या करें?

<p>डॉक्टर और हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट के मुताबिक अगर हार्ट से बचना है तो आपको अपनी लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान का खास ख्याल रखना होगा. वहीं दूसरी तरफ आए दिन ऐसी खबर आती है कि जिम में वर्कआउट के दौरान हार्ट अटैक आ गया. ऐसे कई सारे उदाहरण है जिसमें जिम करने के दौरान लोगों को हार्ट अटैक … Read more

पालक, मैथी नहीं… ये हरी पत्तेदार सब्जी करती है हार्ट को मजबूत, इन लोगों को जरूर खानी चाहिए

पालक, मैथी नहीं… ये हरी पत्तेदार सब्जी करती है हार्ट को मजबूत, इन लोगों को जरूर खानी चाहिए

Jalkumbi Benefits: जलकुंभी पानी में होने वाला एक तरह का पौधा है. लोग अक्सर इसे वेस्ट समझते हैं लेकिन ये हमारे लिए वरदान से कम नहीं है. इससे सेहत को खूब सारा फायदा मिलता है. रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक जलकुंभी में विटामिन मिनरल सहित कई ऐसे पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हैं जो कई बड़ी बीमारी के … Read more

Do you also take salt from above in food, you will not even know and the disease will start

Do you also take salt from above in food, you will not even know and the disease will start

Not only sugar or salt, but eating anything in excess, many types of problems start in the body. By the way, today we will talk about the harm caused by eating more salt in food. Some people have a habit that no matter how tasty food you give them, they will eat it after taking … Read more

60% people are unaware of the problem of high BP, are you also making these mistakes, there is still time to be careful

60% people are unaware of the problem of high BP, are you also making these mistakes, there is still time to be careful

High BP : Public Health Foundation of India has presented a shocking report. It has been told in this report that about 58 percent people are unaware of BP disease. They do not even know whether they have high blood pressure (High BP) problem or not. Such people can come under the grip of silent … Read more

Hypertension can also cause sudden death, to avoid it, make these 6 changes in lifestyle

Hypertension can also cause sudden death, to avoid it, make these 6 changes in lifestyle

Hypertension: Hypertension or high blood pressure is such a disease, which if not treated on time, can also cause sudden death. This condition arises when the blood pressure in the arteries increases. Although the blood pressure increases and decreases many times throughout the day, but when this condition persists for a long time, then the … Read more