Risk of heart disease and diabetes may be zero if you do it daily

Cardiac disease: If you live outdoors and visit places like parks, your heart health will remain better. It also reduces the risk of dangerous diseases like heart attacks and diabetes. A recent study showed that spending time in nature reduces the risk of heart disease and many chronic illnesses. This also reduces the swelling problem. … Read more

Diabetes Symptoms in Men: 6 Lesser-Known Signs of High Blood Sugar in Legs And Feet

Home Health Diabetes Symptoms in Men: 6 Lesser-Known Signs of High Blood Sugar in Legs And Feet Symptoms of Diabetes In Men: Here are 6 Unusual signs of high blood sugar levels that occur in your legs and feet, especially at night and in the morning. Diabetes is a prevalent metabolic disorder characterised by high … Read more

Diabetes Control Tips: 5 Foods and Drinks to Lower Risk of Spike in Blood Sugar Levels

Home Health Diabetes Control Tips: 5 Foods and Drinks to Lower Risk of Spike in Blood Sugar Levels Diet play a pivotal role in preventing diabetes. Here are some foods and drinks to add in regular meal plan to avoid any sort of insulin spike. Diabetes Control Tips: 5 Foods and Drinks to Prevent Spike … Read more

Diabetes Control: How Sleep Cycle Affects High Blood Sugar?

Home Health Diabetes Control: How Sleep Cycle Affects High Blood Sugar? Living with diabetes is not very easy. Apart from diet and lifestyle, did you know that your sleep schedule can affect your blood sugar levels too? Sleep deprivation has become a common problem that most of us suffer from but fail to realise its … Read more

Diabetes Control: 5 Low-Calorie Veggies to Lower Glucose Levels Naturally

Home Health Diabetes Control Tips: 6 Low-Calorie Veggies to Reduce Glucose Levels Naturally Living with diabetes is not easy as one needs to very mindful of their diet. Here are few vegetables that may help to regulate insulin sensitivity naturally. Diabetes Control: 5 Low-Calorie Veggies to Lower Glucose Levels Naturally (Freepik) Diabetes is becoming a … Read more

Gestational Diabetes: How High Blood Sugar Levels During Pregnancy Affects Newborn Babies?

Home Health Gestational Diabetes: How High Blood Sugar Levels During Pregnancy Affects Newborn Babies? High level of blood sugar during pregnancy is termed as gestational or maternal diabetes. While it may bring complication during the pregnancy, it can also have certain impact on the newborn baby. Gestational Diabetes: How High Blood Sugar Levels During Pregnancy … Read more

Does Diabetes Make Lung Infection Worse? Here is What New Research Says

Home Health Does Diabetes Make Lung Infection Worse? Here is What New Research Says According to researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science, high blood sugar levels may restrict the immune response of lungs. Does Diabetes Make Lung Infection Worse? Here is What New Research Says (Freepik) In people with diabetes, high levels of blood … Read more

हल्के में न लें ये स्किन प्रॉब्लम्स, बढ़ा सकती हैं डायबिटीज का खतरा, जानें बचने का तरीका

Diabetes And Skin Problems : क्या आप जानते हैं कि त्वचा की कई बीमारियां भी डायबिटीज का कारण बन सकती हैं. सुनकर भले ही अटपटा सा लगे लेकिन हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स इसे लेकर आगाह करते हैं. दरअसल, त्वचा में खुजली और लालिमा जैसी समस्याएं काफी आम हैं लेकिन कई बार इन्हें अनदेखा करना, हल्के में लेना भारी … Read more